Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Assigning Doctor/Clinician's Initials to a Specific Time Slot

Use these instructions to add your services doctor(s) initials to the schedule.

  1. Type A on the command line
  2. Clinic: SAC
  3. Section: Enter the department the Doctor is on for Client appointments (Derm, Onco, Primary Care, etc…)
  4. Date:  Enter the date you want to add/change the Doctor
  5. View:  Daily
  6. Doc: Skip this field
  7. Service: Skip this field
  8. It will bring you to the schedule and you can scroll down to the time slot you want to add the Doctor into.  Just add the Doctor’s initials in and save out.


Keywordsassign, add, change, clinician, doctor, slot   Doc ID103333
OwnerTina O.GroupUofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
Created2020-06-24 13:30:21Updated2024-07-18 11:58:00
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
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