Vetstar Appointment Scheduler - Add or Remove a Doctor Name from Bottom of Weekly View
Use these instructions to add or remove a doctor name from bottom of the weekly view.
- Type AM on the command line
- Select #1 Maintenance
- Select #19 Assign Staff by Date (Weekly)
- Clinic: SAC
- Section: Enter the department the Doctor is on for Client appointments (Derm, Onco, Primary Care, etc…)
- Staff: Enter the Doctor code (Example: JBP = Pieper, Jason B)
- Start Date: Enter the date you are starting with (usually Monday)
- Number of Weeks: Enter how many weeks this Dr needs to be shown
- Ending Date: Once you enter a # of weeks, this fills in automatically
- If you are changing only one day – do not enter anything in the Number of weeks and make the End date the same as the Start date
- Default Appointment Staff: Y / N (entering Y here makes their name appear in RED)