University Bursar - How do I use my College Illinois! credits to pay my student account?

Students must notify the University of their intent to use College Illinois! benefits by submitting a completed online authorization form. Students are responsible for all other charges such as refundable fees, housing, meals, printing, etc.

To access the online authorization form:

1 Select your campus from Self-Service

2 Enter Net ID and Password and click "Log In"

3 Verify your identity

4 In the "University Bursar" card, choose College Illinois

5  Carefully read, complete and submit the authorization form

6 Print a confirmation page for record keeping

Learn more about College Illinois!

529 tuition families mandatory fees refundable housing meals paymybill University Bursar college Illinois savings collegeilllinois account, College Illinois, authorize, benefits 
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Kathy K. in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System