Forget WIFI Network

How to regain access to IllinoisNet after a password change.
Windows 10 

Delete your IllinoisNet profile

1. Click the Network icon on the lower right corner of your screen.
2. Click Network & Internet settings.
3. Select WIFI from the setting on the left side of the screen.
3. Click Manage known networks.
4. Under Manage known networks, click IllinoisNet.
5. Click Forget, your IllinoisNet profile is deleted you can now reconnect to IllinoisNet with your new password

Reconnect to Illinoisnet 

1. Click on the wireless icon in your task bar or menu bar.
2. Select IllinoisNet from the list of networks. 
3. Enter your NetID and Active Directory (AD) password, respectively.


Forget IllinoisNet 

1. Open Settings on your device.
2. Tap and hold the WiFi network you want to delete, then select Forget Network from the menu that appears.

Reconnect to IllinoisNet

1. Open Settings on your device.
2. Select IllinoisNet from the list of networks. 
3. Enter your NetID and Active Directory (AD) password, respectively.


Open System Preferences
Click Network, then Advanced…
Select a network you’d like to forget and click the “-” icon as shown below. You can select multiple networks by holding the command key while clicking and batch the process.


Open Settings on your device, and tap on the WiFI icon to access WiFi network options

From the list of WiFi networks, select the one you want to delete, and tap Forget This Network from the details page.

WIFI Password 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Jeff F. in UI College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine