Travel Request App - Approvers

Information for approvers of the K2 Travel Request App. This article is specific to the K2 Travel Request form, which is currently in a pilot phase with selected Vet Med departments. If your department is not in the pilot, use the legacy "Leave Tracking (Travel Request)".
Accessing the Form 
Approvers have multiple methods to access a Travel Request which requires their approval:
  1.  Click on the hyperlink in the email notification.
  2.  Navigate to the Travel Request app website and click on the Approve a Request button.
  3.  Login into your K2 dashboard to use the K2 interface.
Email Notification:
Approvers will receive a push notification via email from the K2 Production Service Account with a subject such as "Travel Request #1:  Supervisor Review".  Basic information about the request is in the body.  Click on the hyperlink "Click to open worklist item" to navigate to the form.  You will be prompted to login into K2 with your NetID and password.
Screenshot approver email
Travel Request app website:
  1.   Open browser at
  2.   Select Forms
  3.   Select Travel & Reimbursement Forms
  4.   Select Travel Request
  5.   You will be prompted to sign into the K2 platform with your NetID and password.
  6.   Under the Approver Tools section click on the Approve a Request to see your worklist.  
  7.   First the request of interest, click on the arrow on far right of the row and Click your routing action (Approve, Deny, Complete, Return for Rework) or Open the Form to navigate to the form and approve there.
This is a good option for individuals who process a large number of requests frequently.
Screenshot Travel Navigation screen
K2 Dashboard:
The K2 Dashboard can also be reached from the Travel Request app website.  The link will take you into the K2 Workspace.  Click on Inbox to see all options with actions pending.  This is a good option for individuals who process a large number of requests frequently.  Frequent approvers may want to bookmark the Workspace URL once the log into it the first time.
Screenshot Travel Workspace

Approve, Deny, Rework

  1. Navigate to the form with one of the methods above.
  2. The bottom of the form will contain details of the request.  Most of the fields are read only to approvers.  The fifth tab can be used to add comments visible to the requester (such as reason for denial or rework request), or comments visible only to other approvers.
  3. After form details are reviewed or comments added, use the top box of the form (Workflow section) to Select Action.
  4. Action options vary based on your role.  Some will see Complete, other Approve or Deny.  Most users can Return for Rework to the requestor, such as due to incomplete or incorrect information.  Comments should be provided for Rework and Denied actions.
  5. Click Submit to advance the form.
Important Note:  You may only have access to certain phases of the form.  After you approve a form, your email link may give you an error because you don't have access to the next approval step.  If that occurs and you want to view an approved form, use the Approval Tools on the main page to view or check the status of a form.
Screenshot approval workflow
Approver Tools
Approvers can view all forms which they've approved or which require approval from Travel Request app main page using the various tabs, or the buttons under Approver Tools.
Screenshot My supervised
Admin Tools
Travel App admins have access view All Completed Requests, which is a button on the Travel Request app main page.
Screenshot Admin Completed
Additional Help
For technical support contact
For questions about travel policies or to suggest changes to the form, contact
For additional Knowledgebase articles, search "Travel" in the KB.

Keywordsk2, travel request, form, approvers   Doc ID108985
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2021-02-10 15:41:35Updated2023-03-02 17:04:28
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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