2FA/MFA, Manage Device Settings, Set Automatic Duo Push

When you register a smartphone as a 2FA security device using the Duo Mobile app, it adds "Send a Push" as an option every time you log in. To simplify login, you can set that notification to push automatically, saving yourself a click. Follow the steps below to change this setting in the Identity Center.

1. Go to identity.uillinois.edu

2. Log In

3. Once signed in, choose “Manage my 2FA”

Image of Manage my 2FA button

4. Scroll down the page and click the drop-down for “When I log in:”

5. Change from “Ask me how to authenticate” to “Automatically Duo Push”

Image of log in drop-down with the appropriate option selected

That’s it!

The next time you sign in to a service, it will automatically send a Duo push prompt to your phone.

Keywords2FA, Duo, "two factor", "two-factor", "duo push", login, "identity center"   Doc ID109526
OwnerAllison P.GroupUI Gies College of Business
Created2021-03-04 14:27:02Updated2023-03-15 17:06:49
SitesUI Gies College of Business
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