New Extension Computer Setup
Please read the sections "Before you start" and "Powering on for the first time" thoroughly before turning on your new computer to avoid issues. There are several automated processes that happen when powering on a new computer that will fail if these instructions are not followed correctly.
All new computer setups require the custodian to submit a New Extension Computer Setup Form (requires Office 365 login). This will provide us will of the information to make sure your computer is set up properly. Please also let us know if you plan on doing a self-guided install.
Before you start
Where to get help
Making sure you have all of your new equipment
Backing up files on your current computer
- Desktop
- Documents library
- Pictures library
- Video library
- Downloads directory

Backing up bookmarks on your current computer
Backing up your bookmarks

Taking stock of important applications
- Office 365 Apps (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Teams)
- Adobe Acrobat Pro
- Adobe Creative Cloud (For installing/updating Adobe Products)
- Box Drive
- Zoom
- Web Browsers (Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox)
- Cisco Secure Client VPN
- Printerlogic (printer installation software)
- Splashtop Streamer (Extension IT's remote access software)
- Software Center (For installing/updating third-party apps)
Taking stock of additional hardware
- wired and wireless headsets
- webcams
- wireless keyboards and mice (and the wireless receivers)
- printers hooked directly to computer via usb in the office or home printers
- label printers
- personal scanners
Powering on for the first time
Where to do the initial setup
- Directly to the device via the ethernet port (Some laptops require a USB-C to ethernet adapter which should of been included in your order)
- Connected directly to the docking station which is connected to a laptop computer
Special instructions for campus staff

Logging in for the first time
What to do if you are unable to login with your NetID
Can I connect to the VPN to do setup from home or another location?
Connecting to Extension Wi-Fi
Logging in to applications
How to Log into Box Drive
Microsoft Outlook
How to Log into Microsoft Outlook
Adobe Acrobat
How to Log into Adobe Acrobat
How to Log into Zoom Desktop Client
Cisco Anyconnect VPN
[Link for document 114252 is unavailable at this time]
Setting up your software
Adding your signature to Microsoft Outlook
If you would like to generate a new official University branded signature rather than restore your previous signature see this article Creating an official University branded email signature with Webtools
Restoring your signature

Importing bookmarks from a backup
If you are signed in to Google Chrome with a Google account with sync enabled your bookmarks with transfer automatically and you will not need to follow this guide.Importing your bookmarks from file
Adding icons to the start menu and taskbar
- Click the Start Button to view the Start Menu
How to Pin Apps to Start Menu
- Right-click the application you wish to Pin. A context menu will appear.
- Click "Pin to Start".
- The Tile will appear on your Start Menu. You can left-click and hold your mouse button to re-arrange the tiles.
How to Pin Apps to Taskbar
- Right-click the application you wish to Pin. A context menu will appear.
- Click "More".
- Click "Pin to Taskbar" on the next context menu that pops out to the right. This will pin your app to the Taskbar area.
Pinned Apps
Below is an example of applications pinned as "Tiles" to the Start Menu and "Icons" to the Taskbar.

Adding Printers
Adding printers in an Extension office
Extension Printer Portal
1. In a web browser (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox recommended) go to the following url: or click the little printer icon with a green plus on it.
If you are prompted to install the browser extension click here.
If you are prompted for an Authentication code, click here.
2. Simply select the office which has the printer you would like to add and then click on the printer. You should receive a dialog stating the printer name and confirming that this is the printer you want to add. After hitting yes the printer installation process will begin. The page should look like the below example and have only your unit offices listed.

Adding additional applications
Finding applications to install in Software Center
Note: This feature does require Microsoft Software Center application to be installed on your pc. Please contact the Extension IT Help desk if you have problems locating it.
- Click the Windows Start Button icon in the lower left corner of your taskbar. You may have a tile already for Software Center on your Start Menu or you can browse your Apps list for the Microsoft Endpoint Manager Folder.
- Alternatively, you can also use the Search feature of Windows by clicking the magnifying glass and enter "Software Center" in Windows search. Software Center application should be a search result.
- When Software Center opens, you will see a list of applications. There will be icons for all the applications that Extension IT manages as well as other products that you can self-install without admin permissions.
- To install an application, click the application from the list. You can view the information about the application and then click the "Install" button to start the download and installation.
- The application will install silently and appear on your start menu once finished.

Extension applications are updated after business hours every day if your computer is powered on and connected to the internet. If you require a newer version of an application, you may be behind in an update because you missed a maintenance window. Please follow these instructions to update software outside the maintenance window.
- Launch Software Center. Click the Installation Status tab on the left navigation menu. You see a list of applications installed on your pc and their current "Status".
- There are different statuses you may see here:
- "Installed" - This application is up to date.
- "Past due - will be installed" - This application is doesn't match the version hosted by campus.
- "Waiting for the next available maintenance schedule" - An update is available and you can either leave your computer on after business hours to update on it's own or you can manually update it yourself.
- "Downloading (% complete) - This application is downloading files necessary to install the software or update it.
- "Installing (% complete) - This application has finished downloading the required files and is now silently installing on your computer.
- "Failed" - This application failed to install or update.
- If you see "Waiting for next available maintenance schedule" as your application status, your pc missed an update and you can click the application to manually update.
- If you see "Past due - will be installed" you can try updating but this status typically means you're actually a version ahead and you can safely ignore it.