Endpoint Security, Malwarebytes Remediation Connector Solution, What is Malwarebytes Remediation Connector Solution?

This is an introduction to the Malwarebytes Remediation Connector Solution tool. This tool was previously named Malwarebytes Remediation for CrowdStrike (MRfCS).

What is Malwarebytes Remediation Connector Solution ?

Malwarebytes Remediation Connector Solution (MRCS) is a utility that allows an IT professional to scan for and remediate malware on Windows hosts already running the CrowdStrike Falcon antivirus. Combining the capabilities of the CrowdStrike sensor and Malwarebytes scanning engine, MRCS is able to scan an entire host for malware, adware, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), and artifacts that they may leave behind. MRCS is triggered remotely and runs silently, allowing users to continue their work without being disrupted.

Malwarebytes Remediation Connector Solution (MRCS) was retired on Jan 20, 2025. See Endpoint Sescurity, CrowdStrike, On-Demand Scanning for an alternate scanning solution.

How does it work?

MRCS uses the CrowdStrike Real Time Response (RTR) functionality to remotely connect to a Windows host. From there it begins a scan for any malicious files, start up items, registry keys, or other artifacts left behind by malware. The scan's intensity and thoroughness is chosen by the IT professional. MRCS runs silently in the background, without disrupting the user of the computer. Once it has completed, MRCS reports its findings back to the IT professional, deletes the problem files and artifacts it discovered, and then removes itself from the system. In this way MRCS maintains a minimal system footprint after scans have concluded.

How do I get this?

MRCS is available to all IT professionals who deploy CrowdStrike Falcon to the hosts they support, regardless of their management model. Please see Endpoint Security, CrowdStrike, What is CrowdStrike? for information on getting started with CrowdStrike Falcon.

Once the CrowdStrike sensor has been installed on a Windows Host, some configuration will be required. Please see Endpoint Security, Malwarebytes Remediation Connector Solution, Prerequisites for information on the necessary requirements.

Who do I contact?

For questions or security concerns, email securitysupport@illinois.edu.
For emergencies see https://go.illinois.edu/csoc.

mwb, mbbr, mrfcs, mrcs, scan, scanning, virus, malware, anti-malware, antimalware, remove, removal, remediate, remediation, falcon 
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