Tech Services, Customer Satisfaction Survey, TDX Survey Request Email
How to tell if the Technology Services Survey Request email is legitimate and not a phishing attempt.
What To Expect
Most tickets closed by Tech Services will generate a survey request. The request is delivered via email to the requestor, approximately 24 hours after the ticket is closed. Please note that someone may have created the ticket on your behalf (e.g., local IT Pro or a Help Desk Consultant). While we appreciate feedback through surveys, they are completely optional.
Email Details
Subject: Technology Services Survey Request
Body Contains:
- Create Date: The timestamp that the ticket was created
- Ticket Title: The subject of the ticket
- Service: The Request Area of the ticket
- Log in to View Ticket #: This is the ticket number and a link to the ticket
- Take the Survey: The button to click to take the survey
Note: Do not reply to the survey request email. Replies will be returned as undeliverable.
Sample Survey Email:
Survey Details
When you click on the 'Take the Survey' link, you will be presented with the Technology Services Customer Satisfaction Survey. It will contain:
- A line with the ticket number and the ticket title (the subject of the ticket).
- A question that asks, "Are you satisfied with the support you received?"
- The option to provide comments.
- A button to submit the survey responses.
Sample Survey:
Check the Survey Request
You may not be comfortable clicking on links in an unsolicited email message. You can take steps to determine if the survey request is legitimate, by logging into the UIUC Tech Help Center.
- Log in to the UIUC Tech Help Center:
- In the Ask for tech help section (left side of the screen), click on 'View Your Existing Tech Requests.'
- Look for the ID number and Request title that are in the survey request email.
- If you do not see the ID and Request title, go back to the UIUC Tech Help Center page and use the 'Submit a Tech Request' link to open a ticket. Use this to report potentially suspicious survey requests. Do not click on the links in the survey request email.
- If you see the ID and Request title, continue to the next step.
- Click on the Request title, to view the ticket.
- In the ticket, click on 'To TDNext':
- In TDNext, you will see your ticket and, on the right hand side, a section called 'Survey.'
- Click on 'View Request':
- In the Survey Response Detail window, click on the 'Resent Request' button:
- You cannot take the survey within the ticket. Surveys can only be taken by clicking on the link in the survey request email.
- You may only take the survey one time.
- Once the survey is submitted, the 'View Request' link from Step 7 will change to 'View Response.'