Canvas@Illinois , Temporarily Extend Course Access to Student(s)

This document details the process for extending access to one or more students within a Canvas course that is beyond course/term availability date(s).

Occasionally there will be a need to extend student access to a Canvas course that has passed outside of course or term availability dates. In order to facilitate these few students without opening the course to others, instructors should send an email to and include the following information:

  • A statement requesting temporary Canvas course extension
  • the course name or course ID
  • the NetID of at least one instructor in the course (as the requestor)
  • the NetID of any student that requires extended access
  • the length of course extension in days/weeks, or a date that the extension will end

Canvas@Illinois Operations will create a new section in the course and apply the necessary date changes to it, moving the student's enrollment(s) to the new section to continue their access.

NOTE: Following this change to the course, section-specific assignments may need to be updated as well as assignment due dates.

Students should check with their instructor(s) when requesting a course extension. The instructor will be the one that initiates this request.

canvas course extend beyond date term longer extension temporary access 
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Mark R. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services