Adobe Acrobat, Activation Error

This page will describe what to do if you get an activation error when trying to open Acrobat on macOS.

Please note that administrative privileges will be needed to perform the steps below. If you do not have admin privileges, please contact IT@VetMed so we can assist you.

Instructions taken from the Acrobat activation troubleshooting page.

screenshot of error message which shows: something went wrong, please try launching acrobat first or contact your administrator

If you are getting the above error message, these steps should help:

  1. Quit the Adobe Acrobat application if it is already running
  2. Download the file from here.
  3. Open Terminal, and run the following command - type the complete path to the file and press return:

    $ chmod 775 <Path to the tool>

    $ <Path to the tool>

    For example,

    <Device name> ~ % chmod 775 /Users/<username>/Desktop/AcroNGLEnableTool

    <Device name> ~ % /Users/<username>/Desktop/AcroNGLEnableTool

    Note: Instead of typing the full path to the file you downloaded, you can drag the file to the Terminal window.

  4. Quit Terminal and open Adobe Acrobat.

Keywordsadobe acrobat activation error macos creative cloud dc pro   Doc ID112773
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2021-08-01 19:52:55Updated2023-02-07 09:00:28
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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