Tech Services Computer Labs, How to Submit Wide Format Poster

This article explains how to submit a wide format poster order to be printed at the English Building Lab - Room 8

Poster printing at the English Lab does not accept Illini Cash.
- The Default account option charges against your netid and is invoiced monthly through campus billing.
- The CFOP account option allows for billing to a campus CFOP billing account code provided by a departmental business office. 

How to Submit a Poster

Visit  and log in with your campus netid and password. 
Choose ICS Poster Printing from left sidebar.

Paper Cut Left Side Menu

When next screen loads, Choose New Order

New Order

Choose Location drop down and select English Lab

Enter your Contact name and phone number

Give representative title

Add comments if warranted

Select Desired completion date

Choose Create

New Order Menu

From Next Screen, Choose New Item

New Item

Enter appropriate Title

Choose file with compatible file type

Choose paper type glossy or matte

Choose Dimension > Preset or Custom

  • If Custom, maximum dimension for one of the sides is 41" (see presets as examples)


Account - Default

The default option charges against your netid and billed during monthly billing cycle. 

(If you would like to utilize a CFOP accounting code, see Account CFOP below)

Choose Create

Preset Menu

Account - CFOP

If using CFOP, choose Custom

Enter CFOP

Choose Create

Custom Menu


you may contact the English Lab directly for questions Tech Services Computer Labs

or email 

poster, printing, wide format, english, ICS, 
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University of Illinois Technology Services