TeamDynamix, Collaborative Board/Global Admin Board Decisions
This article provides information about discussions and decisions regarding the TeamDynamix (TDX) platform. Decisions made by the Collaborative Board and the Global Admin Committee are shared below.
- Next ITLT meeting is 2/19. Not yet sure if TDX is on their agenda, as requested.
- Discussion around Friday Focus, a previous collaborative recurring event led by System Office to share info and tips about TDX. CB will work with TDX CTC to coordinate re-lauching that, potentially with a revised structure and and more involvement from all TDX groups in the system
- Gathering feedback about the 12.0 release and the new UI preview environment. Bug reports and all feedback (pos, neuteral, neg) can go to the TDX @ Illinois Service Team
- U of I - Main notification templates change request will be sent in soon. Target date of March 3 for go-live.
- iPaaS work proceeds with moving flows into Production and finalizing the report.
- TDX CTC reports that they're reviewing the TDX website for outdated info and deciding how to proceed with displaying Metrics.
- TDX CB Charter ITLT review still pending
- Request for TDX to be added to the next ITLT meeting agenda
- TDX New UI Preview will be released Feb 5, 2025
- GAC requested a Sandbox refresh for Mar 7, 2025
- Accessibility of new UI - JC will work with our TDX rep, Annalise, to log issues and get more information on accessibility testing and review process
- iPaaS workflows from pilot phase still being either closed out or migrated into Production
- iPaaS implementation working group is reaching out to partner institutions for insight into their iPaaS governance and administration
- Urbana TDAG reported adding a new ex officio member from the IT Enterprise Service Management Office to align efforts around Incident and Request Management best practices
- TDX CTC reported that the Training subcommittee will be updating existing TDX technician training documentation in the KB to reflect the new UI.
- TDX CB Charter updated and passed along to ITLT for review and approval
- GAC scheduling Sandbox refresh at the next meeting
- TDX CB welcomes a new Chair, JC Steenbergen (AITS), and thanks Anthony Marino for his tireless service as Chair since Oct 2022.
- ITLT approved the procurement of the iPaaS unlimited site license at the end of December, and procurement was completed by the end-of-year deadline.
- Planning is underway to migrate pilot iPaaS flows into production ahead of a Sandbox refresh in March 2025.
- iPaaS governance working group will continue efforts to define administration of the service.
- TDAG will be available as a resource for coordinating onboarding units into iPaaS.
- ITLT is considering TDX' request to use anonymized U of I data to be used to train their forthcoming AI enhancements to the Work Management platform. They have requested that the proposal be reviewed by Cybersecurity; further guidance needed.
- SPMO continues to explore the possible integration between TDX and FabPlus (FABweb-adjacent asset inventory system used on the Urbana campus)
- TDX CB is keeping an eye out for developments around the recently-announced InTune TDX integration.
- The TDX Work Management 12.0 release is scheduled for later this semester. It will coincide with the availability of a preview environment for the redesigned UI. TDX CTC training subcommittee will leverage the preview environment to update KB documentation and training materials for technicians.
- The new UI is scheduled for deployment in the U of I TDX tenant on May 31, 2025.
- TDX assigned a new customers success manager to U of I, Annalise Ansell, for the coming year.
2023-2024 Meetings
- ITLT iPaaS unlimited license decision still pending. Either way, we will have use of iPaaS, both metered and unmetered flows.
- Governance working group for the iPaaS service has been formed and is starting work.
- Discussed a request from TDX to allow U of I data to be used to train an ML-based routing model, among other things related to their planned AI offerings. Still under consideration and discussion with stakeholders; no decision yet.
- TDX at Illinois is working on a TDX data audit, working on implementing a requirement for every TDX group to have a designated Manager Role assigned, and will be meeting with the Student Success group in December to explore how TDX can enhance the student experience of getting help.
- System Offices has fielded some questions from groups potentially looking at using TDX. More details forthcoming as the conversations develop. The IAM teams of each Illinois campus are also discussing setting up a shared TDX app for IAM requests.
- The CTC is putting together the combined Nov/Dec monthly newsletter. The TDX App Admins KB article was announced and has been updated for easier navigation. A suggestion box system for documentation and training topics has been proposed but is currently tabled in favor of higher-priority work. Still waiting on completion of the accessibility review of the U of I - Main Advisory Group's proposed email notification templates.
- Still awaiting ITLT decision on iPaaS unlimited license. Discussed current patchwork automation methods in place at Urbana, System, and UIC, and examined ways that iPaaS could integrate with them, rather than replace them.
- Discussed what a future state would look like with iPaaS unlimited, Conversational AI, and the iPaaS Managed Services support offering in place. Specifically focused on student/user experience of getting help in that future environment.
- Work on iPaaS service development and governance will formally begin soon.
- UIC is starting work on documenting Box admin processes to build iPaaS automations.
- CTC reports it is watching for the TDX UI redesign preview environment availability to start updating documentation. Also, the Ability LMS TDX Technician Training course will be retired due to low adoption of the tool for onboarding technicians.
- Urbana TDAG reports that their charter has been updated, and 2024-2025 deliverables include supporting the iPaaS initiative and assisting in onboarding any non-IT units interested in TDX.
- TDX at Illinois Service team is publishing a KB article focusing on "TDX Data Access & Roles Overview."
10/15/24 & 10/16/24
- Finalized and delivered a presentation to ITLT making the case for purchasing the unlimited iPaaS license (as opposed to the a la carte model). Awaiting a decision, likely to come in November.
- Arranged and attended a demo to ITLT of the TDX Conversational AI product, which is built on iPaaS flows.
- Reviewed the operational management of iPaaS flows until a formal governance structure is established.
- The TDX EDW Reporting Investigation has concluded, and a summary of the findings will be included in a Fall 2024 ITPF presentation on TDX and PowerBI reporting tools.
- TDX at Illinois Service Team is wrapping up the "Sensitive Data Acknowledgement Form" for TDX and publishing a KB article covering TDX data access and roles.
- Urbana TDAG membership has rolled over to a new cohort and the charter is being updated for the 2024-2025 term.
09/10/24 & 09/17/24
- The TDX iPaaS representative is requesting an extension on the pilot project to wrap up our White Glove flow work.
- The Collab Board is collecting iPaaS use case ideas to make a case to ITLT to purchase the full, unlimited license of iPaaS. They requested input from Urbana TDAG via a survey.
- Urbana TDAG requested a brief iPaaS demo and overview of the pilot to have a better understanding of the platform's potential and to spark ideas. The demo was presented on 9/13.
- UIS is interested in using TDX PPM. They will meet with the Project Sponsor, Christina Molitor, to explore how they might fit into the existing PPM structure used by Urbana, Chicago, and System Office.
- The Global Admin Committee reported that an iframe source for Media Space media has now been added to the Allow List for TDX, meaning Kaltura videos can be embedded. They are also exploring ways that iPaaS can improve the experience and/or functionality of using the Transfer Hub.
- iPaaS governance discussions continue. Anthony presented a draft charter for the initial working group, which the CB approved.
- Approval went through for blocking standard email signature images from being included as attachments in TDX requests.
- Discussion started about iPaaS configuration and service administration. We will follow up next time, but the current plan is to identify an implementation team/working group with a project sponsor/manager. We noted that non-IT representation should be included in the working group, as iPaaS transcends IT services.
- Project Management data from TDX PPM is in the process of being ingested into EDW. Looking ahead to potential automation improvements with iPaaS.
- iPaaS Pilot group is working on takeaways from the Guided Flow engagement. The CB discussed what would be the appropriate third White Glove flow, and Dynamic Forms is the top pick.
- Urbana TDAG update: depending on how iPaaS is governed, TDAG suggests to the CB that open hours/trainings are offered, and that a Portfolio is established that showcases how iPaaS is being used in various ways through the university system.
- TDX CTC reports that they plan to send out Sandbox Refresh notifications 30 days ahead of time instead of two weeks. The CTC will also be reviewing the U of I Main's planned TDX Notification Template redesign and deciding whether to match the system-wide templates to that new design, pending an accessibility review.
- This week concludes the Guided Flow consulting period for iPaaS pilot members.
- Work on the next "white glow" iPaaS flow will be starting soon. Of the options identified by the CB for the pilot, the UIC HR onboarding flow template has been selected.
- Two pending TDX changes:
- Approved - Blocking standard email signature images from being included as attachments in TDX requests. Standard images include social media icons and the Block I wordmark
- Pending change control process and approval - Marking university holidays retroactively and going forward in TDX so those days/times aren't included in ticket metrics.
- The TDX EDW Reporting Investigation is wrapping up and will meet once more this summer to check on all defined deliverables. A report and recommendation will be presented to the CB. At this time, the recommendation is to keep all TDX data synced with EDW, but to build reports in more flexible tools like Power BI and Tableau that can ingest data from multiple sources and have a lower barrier of entry for stakeholders.
- Urbana TDAG is concluding the "view-only role" pilot at the end of the summer and will make a recommendation about whether and how to open it up as part of the TDX service going forward.
- Urbana TDAG and the TDX Service Team report more interested from non-IT units, so with the new Urbana TDAG cohort, we intend to fill the two reserved seats for representatives from administrative and/or business units.
- TDX CTC sent out the June newsletter a day early to include an announcement about the TDX Mobile App on release day. July newsletter goes out July 25.
- IT ESMO service catalog project update - the 1.0 release is planned for the end of the summer. As we approach readiness, the subject of the Education and Engineering IT customer portals will need to be back on the CB's radar.
- iPaaS guided flow consultant opportunities coming up! We will have a few schedulable sessions each week with a TDX iPaaS consultant. Coordination and ideas will be covered in the iPaaS Pilot MS Teams space.
- Met with TDX Engineers to vie a brief product Road Map and discuss our top 10 prioritized Enhancement Requests. We are pleased to see that they are making continual improvements in the Work Management platform (ticketing) and have followed through on a couple of Knowledgebase enhancements, as well.
- Some highlights for upcoming improvements in the next 12 months:
- The TDX mobile app will be released on June 10, 2024. It will include barcode/QR-code scanning capabilities to supplement asset management.
- Built-in reporting improvements including the ability to exclude "On Hold" time from ticket metrics.
- Canned reports for Assets related to CIs
- Beyond 12 months - new UX for Work Management, expanded MS Teams integration, Intune integration, iPaaS improvements, and conversational AI (note: the U of I does not currently have access to the conversational AI product)
- The GAC has confirmed that they would like to establish a formal approval process for high-impact/high-visibility changes to the Illinois Tech Help Center customer portal. Examples: changing the name of the site, replacing an entire widget, adding a new tabbed page, significantly changing the content on any custom pages, etc.
- IT ESMO has started sharing plans for the service catalog project, which will impact TDX at the levels of Services, Workflows, and Reporting.
- iPaaS onboarding training completed by pilot group. The first white-glove flow will be provisioning Teams phone accounts (UIUC).
- Top 10 prioritized enhancement requests for this round have been finalized and sent to TDX.
- The CB is pursuing pricing discussions with TDX around their forthcoming AI chatbot, which is built on and integrated with iPaaS.
- UIC's Global Admin team has some upcoming turnover. Our thanks to Jose Hernandez for his tenure as a GA for Tech Solutions!
- TDX Version 11.9 will be released on May 11, 2024. The Sandbox will refresh on May 3rd.
Release webinars:
• Preview Webinar 1: Wednesday, April 24 @ 2:00 ET - Register Now
• Preview Webinar 2: Monday, May 6 @ 2:00 ET - Register Now
• 11.9 Q&A Webinar: Monday, May 13 @ 2:00 ET - Register Now - The TDX EDW Reporting Investigation is working with AITS Decision Support to explore importing a couple of widely-used custom fields into the TDX data universe.
- The Global Admin Committee reports they're working with AITS reps re: location data
- TDX Contract has been approved and renewed for 3 years option for 2 additional years.
- iPaaS 10-Flow Package was approved by ITLT and has been purchased.
- iPaaS trainees from System Office, UIUC, and UIC have been identified and will participate in the April TDX iPaaS training cycle.
- "White Glove" period with iPaaS includes TDX consultations and build of three iPaaS Workflows. TDX CB met with the consultants to discuss our top candidates that will a) show immediate value of iPaaS to ITLT and TDX customers, and b) give us a good sense of basic building blocks and flows that can be re-used/iterated.
- TDX EDW Reporting Investigation has started their work on inventorying capabilities, identifying highly-desirable reporting templates, documenting API capabilities for data integration with TDX and EDW, and so on. Next meeting is Wednesday, March 20th. Barry White from UIC will be reaching out for his UIC reporting group to participate and advise.
- Urbana Update - Continuing to onboard units into TDX, currently six in progress, TDX Open Hours over Spring Break Week was sparsely attended; moving reporting discussion topic to next time.
- System Office - waiting on iPaaS kick-off, participating in TDX EDW Reporting investigation.
- UIC - Presenting at UIC's ITCC on advanced TDX features.
- TDAG - Piloting view-only role out of TDAG first, then making a recommendation to TDX at Illinois Service Team for scaling up availability to all units with TDX applications.Committing to TDAG representation at Open Hours.
January & February 2024
- TDX Contract Renewal work, iPaaS negotiations, and planning for "white glove" flows during training and pilot phase (April-June 2024)
2023 TDX CB Meetings
- iPaaS and contract renewal discussions continue
- EDW TDX reporting - UIC has hit a wall requesting access to the data universe and EDDIE. Al will reach out to Urbana and System TDX stakeholders to add a larger pool to the task force for exploring reporting capabilities
- Global Admin Expectations document final draft is approved by the TDX CB
- Committee Updates
- Urbana TDAG - Did not meet in December
- CTC - Some membership turnover. TDX @ Illinois KB changelog not yet updated for 11.8; should be updated in a more timely manner
- GAC - Sandbox refresh happening 12/22 @ 2pm, Working through manual location/room import
- Urbana - ESMO continuing to be worked on, Meeting with Anthony and Jose re: onboarding groups to TDX
- System Offices - Participating with Joe on the ESMO efforts
- iPaaS - still in GDPR review. We have drafted proposed workflows for the white glove pilot phase once it is acquired.
- Contract renewal - Pricing negotiations continue.
- Committee Updates
- Urbana TDAG - New membership established, larger committee this year! See TDAG meeting recaps here. 2023 will see TDAG collaborating with the TDX at Illinois service team on Office Hours and demo requests from Urbana TDX customers.
- CTC - Combined Nov/Dec newsletter announcing new TDAG membership and training deliverables effort led by Wes Pate (AITS)
- GAC - Establishing a github repository and discussing Grouper vs iPaaS
- Urbana - Enterprise Service Management Office (ESMO) has been established and service catalog guidance project is underway. Group Manager role is live and available upon request. View-Only role will be implemented in January 2024.
- System Office - University Press and Payables want to start using/use TDX more
- iPaaS - still in GDPR review
- TDX contract renewal - received proposals, presenting to ITLT on October 18th
- Decision - TDX CB membership will largely stay the same this coming year, with the possible exception of a new delegate from Urbana TDAG. TDX CB Chair will reach out to UIS to extend an opportunity for them to rotate their representative.
- Decision - TDX CB meeting cadence will change to monthly, with a standing asynchronous check-in in Teams two weeks after each meeting.
- Committee Updates
- TDAG - "TDX Office Hours idea" is underway; details and monthly schedule will be announced soon.
- CTC - Training deliverables document finalized, updated UIUC Tech Help Center "About Us" page, added navigation to FAQs and metrics on the System-level TDX website
- UIC Update - engaging backlog units to onboard to TDX
- Urbana - Project Phase 3 wrapped up on time, and TDX Asset and API are now standard service offerings through TDX at Illinois for Urbana, U of I Main Advisory Group charter and KB documents in progress
- iPaaS update - back to Legal for GDPR review. TDX will maintain the originally-offered pricing. Once approved and purchased, TDX has changed their "white glove" service from hand-holding us through building 3 flows to working with us on what we want and building them for us. Pros and cons, but it does remove the overhead of starting to use it. We'll evaluate the previously-selected white glove scenarios and adapt them for this new model.
- Contract renewal conversations are underway, and we're getting pricing for various options (work management only, work mgmt 10-pack iPaaS flows value-add services, work mgmt iPaaS site license). Escalating to ITLT for a decision once we have the quotes. Can't do a 5-year renewal due to SHI contract timing, so we'll do another 3-year option to renew for up to 2 more years.
- John C. will leverage contacts at next BTAA meeting to ask other TDX-using institutions whether they went with the 10-flow pack for iPaaS or the site license, to gauge what might fit our needs here.
- Committee updates -
- GAC - Global Admin Expectations revised draft will be discussed and likely finalized at the next GAC meeting for CB approval.
- CTC - August newsletter went out! Membership nominations soon.
- TDAG - didn't meet in August. Membership nominations soon.
- UIC Update -
- RT migration stakeholder satisfaction survey showed overwhelmingly positive feedback for the process and with TDX. Teams channels transitioned from project-based to operational TDX community spaces for each unit.
- Haven't started work with non-RT units to migrate to TDX yet; that's coming up.
- UIC Health Sciences Update - no news; everyone is moved over and happy with TDX
- System Office Update -
- Integrations team (Banner, Kafka, API) is interested in iPaaS, so that has been shared with leadership. No interest from other System Office units in using TDX for ticketing or PPM at this time. They'll revisit periodically as it's integrated into more business processes to see if there's more interest.
- Urbana Update -
- Phase 3 wrapping up in October; next units moving to Asset and API soon. Manager role and view-only role options will be picked back up for discussion in October in conjunction with TDAG and Security & Privacy.
- iPaaS update - TIA review in progress, then back to Legal for GDPR review
- New Urbana Global Admin, James Lockhart, has started onboarding and learning TDX.
- August Sandbox refresh scheduled for 8/11, 3pm.
- TDX Group Manager role has been approved for testing, in progress this week
- TDX View-only role has passed Security & Privacy review and will be implemented pending a formal write-up of role expectations and a recommendation from TDAG
- Other TDX role permissions and expectations are being outlined for Security & Privacy
- TDX Contract Renewal process begins soon.
- FAQs for the TDX website are complete and should be posted soon. The training subcommittee has almost completed a review collected training needs and will begin to parcel out the work after the start of semester.
- TDX governance committee memberships will be up for renewal/changeover in early Fall 2023. CB will discuss timing and coordinate calls for nominations with TDX CTC.
- No iPaaS update
- New Urbana Global Admin has been approved and will onboard in July 2023.
- August Sandbox refresh scheduled for 8/11, 3pm.
- U of I TDX Github repository being reviewed to stand up formally.
- FAQs for the TDX website are almost complete, and the TDX Service Page in the customer portal is being revamped with more complete information for how to request assistance as an a prospective customer, app admin, or technician.
- No iPaaS update
- Group management role being tested at UIUC
- Global Admins Committee working on formal expectations document for Global Admins
- Urbana is standing up a "Steering Committee" for U of I - Main ticketing app. Overall demand for ticketing apps is increasing.
- TDX Training video for technicians and app admins tweaked and published to MediaSpace for Urbana.
- TeamDynamix website update is coming along. Tableau dashboard updated with latest data; timeline and FAQ refresh in progress.
- August Sandbox refresh date will be decided by TDAG and UIC in mid-July. It will be announced in the TDX newsletter and to specific sandbox stakeholder groups.
- Urbana requested an additional script source be added to the Allow list. CB approved with the caveat that the request should be routed appropriately and then tested in Sandbox.
- iPaaS Pilot update - data scope survey sent to Urbana Privacy Office
- Post TDX Converge discussion - highlights were change management session, Banner access w/iPaaS session, PowerBI integration session, and UX & EX in the Client Portal
- UIC Pharmacy will be exploring EDW reporting templates and sharing observations with the CB. If there are any specific reports that units are interested in seeing, they'll be happy to work on them.
- Global Admin rebalancing across universities. UIS confirmed they can relinquish one GA, so Urbana will pick that one up.
- Group Manager role approved and implementation is now being discussed.
- FABplus demo was well-received by business units, though scalability was unclear. There is currently no API, and the system doesn't offer much more functionality than TDX Asset; the major benefit is FABweb data integration. This suggests FABweb integration with TDX is possible. In the meantime, FABplus API is under development and different units are proceeding with whichever tool best fits their needs. Ideally, the two systems will eventually be able to talk to each other well enough for solid data sharing processes to be developed, and for data to be clean and consistent across the board.
- 5/18 TDX rep visit to UIC canceled; rep was sick.
- Discussion about whether CB would remotely attend the TDX rep visit to UIC. Decision to let Anthony represent us and to practice what we preach: we want TDX to be comfortable sending a single rep instead of their entire team, and we are ready to do the same.
- Group management question has a potential solution! It is possible to implement a Manager role in TDX that allows group members designated as members to manage those groups. Notifications to those groups can be muted for Manager role. GAC and CB will pursue this idea.
Urbana Updates
- Joe shared that a demo was being prepped for ATLAS to show them the ropes. Security & Privacy also confirmed that the number of Global Admins isn't a strict "2 per campus," as long as the number is kept manageable and there is a business continuity plan.
System Updates
- John will meet with UIS to determine whether they're comfortable relinquishing one Global Admin so Urbana's larger support footprint can be covered. If so, we'll discuss rebalancing at the next meeting.
- iPaaS Update - none
- Underreporting of TDX database changes with version releases - TDX will not be changing their process. AITS and the EDW team have adjusted their process to accommodate. The integration will be paused before any new releases until the EDW team can review the post-release DB changelog and make any necessary adjustments. TDX publishes the full list of changes and bugfixes up to a week after each release, and there are roughly two releases per year. Each university will utilize Status Hub and other established communication channels to notify stakeholders about the maintenance window.
- TDX Converge is May 22-24. CB members will advertise the registration sign-up to their respective universities.
- May 18th, TDX reps will make an in-person visit to the UIC campus. The Collab Board and Global Admins will meet with them and take advantage of the feedback opportunity to discuss a few topics. They'll highlight the challenge of the current process for user/group administration, PPM app plans and use cases, desired TDX KB functionality/feature improvements that could make it a feasible product in future, and other TDX feature improvement plans.
- FABplus will be demo'd on the Urbana campus on Monday the 8th, and Joe Blanks and Al Payne will attend to see if it can be integrated with TDX Asset
Chicago Updates:
- App Admin training video captioning is done!
- More units coming on board in July.
Urbana Updates:
- Service Management discussions are currently centered around application integrations, one of which is TDX. They're looking at privacy/risk assessment and accessibility of all integrations.
- Project Phase 3 is moving along and has a new Project Manager, Ginger Hundgen. ACES and VetMed are going live in Asset soon, with a few other units to follow shortly thereafter.
System Updates:
- AITS has reached out to other TDX institutions to learn how they're managing the challenge of users/group creation.
- UPB will serve as a resource to Urbana IHR as that unit considers utilizing TDX as a Service Catalog, though not necessarily for ticketing.
Committee Updates
Global Admins
- Matthew Magee demonstrated a new workflow for change management notification and received CB feedback and approval.
- CTC will review any change management notifications and triage them for communication to appropriate stakeholders.
- Monthly newsletter went out last week and included info about the upcoming 11.7 release, committee and project updates, and TDX Converge.
- Training groups are still gathering training needs and suggestions from various TDX stakeholders.
- TDAG reached out to units that confirmed they had TDX apps but were not using them due to niche-but-critical functionality. The Product Owner and TDAG will gather feedback and requirements that would make TDX feasible in future.
- The group discussed expanding the GA pool to spread the work of user/group management around better. Options on the table are opening those requests up to all of the U of I GAs, potentially rebalancing the number of GAs for Springfield and Urbana (2 and 2 -> 1 and 3), and TDX non-central units possibly contributing funding for another permanent GA position on the Urbana Service Team. Ideas were escalated to the CB, and the CB and GAs will discuss and pursue all feasible avenues.
- The group discussed the integration of ATLAS should they decide to join TDX. Several TDAG members and App Admins volunteered to serve as resources as ATLAS got in the queue and went through onboarding with the Service Team. A member of ATLAS will join TDAG as an ex oficio member until membership nominations come around in Fall.
TDX Product Review
- We shared the prioritized Top 10 Honorable Mentions enhancement requests with the TDX reps and then watched a presentation of their road map, including features coming out in 11.8 (Fall Release)
- More info about 11.8 will be shared once the release notes are published
- Future timeline focuses include:
- UX update for TDNext and a dedicated mobile app with a focus on asset features. These are both 18 months away, but the UX redesign will be previewed at TDX Converge in June.
- Focus on Asset/CI features
- Automation improvements
- Conversational AI and iPaaS improvements - note: U of I still has not been able to purchase iPaaS due to legal challenges around GDPR/DPA.
- iPaaS Update - none
- Underreporting of TDX database changes with version releases - No further response from TDX
- Minimum Info for Service/Service Offering Entries
- Where is this being documented?
- Anthony will create article within UIC KB in TDX
- Al will make note for stub article in Answers KB until the OpEx exercises have completed
- Ownership of TDX-related Answers KB articles
- Created groups for CTC and Collaborative Board and KBs have been reassigned
- Anthony to talk to Ryan Sharpe re: access
- Al will be primary on maintaining Collab Board article; Anthony will be backup
- TDX Converge
- Anthony to provide feedback that TDX Converge should have significant content on TDX itself, not majority of content being iPaaS/AI focus; and bring back have the open-mic session at this year's Converge
- Reporting being done with EDW
- Pharmacy finishing up on boarding for our Senior Web Developer, and will begin working on the TDX reports soon. We have a deadline of mid-May to be completed. Please share any specific reports that may be of interest to add to our list to create.
Chicago Updates:
- 72% of edge units have been setup in Sandbox to start their transition efforts
- Derek and Crystal were working through the captioning of TDX App Admin training videos; Anthony to check in with Crystal
Springfield Updates:
- No updates
Urbana Updates:
- Kicked off Phase 3; 3-week startup time period in progress now
- Taking feedback to build user stories into backlog
System Offices Updates:
- John met with Mark P re: opening up TDX onboarding to more SO units; comms will target managers of the specific SO units
Urbana TDAG
- P3 kickoff; in project mode, reviewing a recommendation around read-only technician access role
- There were a couple of units that were in TDX but hadn't actually started using it.
- Combined meeting last week; new TDX website structure getting set, shared services is building mockup
- Joe and Mark to work through survey to replace/update FAQs
- Working through documenting process for App Admin and escalations to GAs
- Awaiting go-ahead for building out documentation and training for use of AuthMan for local admins
- Grouper integration went live, but was determined to not provide enough value - and in fact added more work and complexity - to the process of user and group creation and membership change requests. It will only be utilized for customer portal group management by the GAs going forward.
- iPaaS Update - no change
- Underreporting of TDX database changes with version releases
- No movement since ticket submitted and brought up at Business Review Meeting
- John met with EDW team, will plan to turn off integration a week before upgrade then review before turning back on; this is a stopgap solution
- Minimum Info for Service/Service Offering Entries
- Where is this being documented? Anthony will create article within UIC KB in TDX
- Al will make note for stub article in Answers KB until the OpEx exercises have completed
- Ownership of TDX-related Answers KB articles
- CTC working with Ryan Sharpe to setup service accounts to own the different content type articles
- Business Review Meeting outcomes/thoughts
- Glad to have a chance to talk through where the Urbana project is, where/how we're all looking to expand
- Anthony: Feedback to TDX, have the open-mic session at this year's Converge
- Any reporting being done with the EDW data?
- UIC Pharmacy going to be starting to leverage in about a month or so
- Al noted will probably just be using a couple of times a year
- Have heard feedback about getting the Asset data added into EDW
- Barry offered to have his resource work on templates/etc as needed
- Topics to include in update to ITLT
- Minimum Service Info
- Note dependent on OpEx outcomes on overall Service Catalog structure; Functional Design finished 1/31
- Grouper
- iPaaS lack of update; expiration of pricing offer
- TDX project website redesign in progress
- Sessions planned at UIUC Spring ITPF and UIC ITCC
- Converge in May
- Looking for guidance from ITLT:
- Phase 3 at Urbana: Asset Management
- Planning to renew contract next year?
Chicago Updates:
- Work ongoing to transition units from RT
- Al – requesting a list of UIC units coming on to TDX in Feb/March for the TDX monthly newsletter
- Anthony: Update the PM Schedule spreadsheet for metrics
Springfield Updates:
- No updates
Urbana Updates:
- Kick-off for Phase 3 work tomorrow
- Defining expectations for App Admins (formalizing intake process)
System Offices Updates:
- John spoke with Kelly, in favor of sending out communication to rest of System Offices to open up use of TDX to other groups that haven't been using ticketing
- Matthew working on Grouper integration (going live today)
Committee Updates
- Newsletter going out on Thursday
- Grouper bug fix work going on; go-live is currently in progress
- Other backlogged people integration enhancement requests are being reviewed to start work on some
- iPaaS - no change
- Underreporting of TDX database changes with version releases - following up with account reps
- Minimum Info for Service/Service Offering Entries
- Anthony will share UIC's current standard templates
- John will bring back to next meeting, feedback from AITS Service Desk on compliance
- No concerns with coming into compliance on the standards
- Al will bring up to CTC to plan around communications, will be included in this Thursday's TDX Newsletter
- Nothing significant since last meeting
- No updates
- Joe and service team working through the backlog and creating a roadmap that is public; gathering and clarifying recommendations, e.g. ability to provide recommendations on data model for asset management/etc
System Offices Updates:
- Helping out Urbana efforts
- No Grouper update
- No additional System groups have reached out to move into TDX
- John will inquire with Kelly about any proactive outreach to additional SO groups
- Training Service Desk leads post-Shawn's departure
Committee Updates:
- Urbana TDAG
- Recommendation to have stakeholders part of short-term working group on setting up local asset management and API access/usage
- Ahsan and others on project team will be scheduling requirements gathering sessions with each of the units that submitted
- Next meeting on Monday, will be focused on the TDX website
- Read By tab will now reflect views from TDAdmin
- iPaaS - TDX's offered pricing will only be good through January; needs TDX leadership re-approval after that. No change on the legal side, so we can't move forward at this time.
- Underreporting of TDX Database changes with version releases
- Database changes for version upgrades aren't communicated until after the release, and weren't complete
- Preview Release Notes includes a "Database Changes" section but links to older content, not the current upcoming release's db changes
- Minimum info for service entries
Chicago Updates:
- Couple of units went live on TDX in December
- More units working to transition later this month/early next
- Continued goal of completing transitions from RT by end of FY23
- No updates
Urbana Updates:
- Service team working through tickets to review how to more systematically process the non-IT scope requests
- Interest in a public roadmap for where TDX @ Illinois is going (beyond/outside of Phase 3)
System Office Updates:
- Meeting with Joe & Janet to help out Tech Services
- Participating in Urbana TDAG
- Grouper still being worked on, targeting this month for UIUC Global Admin go-live
- Sending out emails to units to get them started with Phase 3 scope
- Working on TDX website revitalization
- Needing to update the roadmap
- Working through some support tickets with TDX
- Spacing issues are thought to be resolved by 11.6 release
- Engineering and Marketing team connecting on fixing their marketing email deliveries
- Backlog: working through Change Control for global admin changes in TDX
- Ownership of KB articles for change log/roadmap/etc
- Location/Room synchronization work being looked at, resources made available in AITS
2022 TDX CB Meetings
No movement or updates on most old business.
TDAG - Project Phase 3 survey results have been reviewed and units will be contacted to gather additional information about timing and available staff/resources to roll out unit-specific Asset apps
- iPaaS - TDX will not accept contract stipulation for signed DPA that applies to whole contract, even with deadline of 6/20/23. More conversations and expectation-setting happening now.
- TDX EDW - UAT ended on 11/11, moving to production by end of November
- Enhancement Requests Prioritization discussion
Urbana Updates:
New TDX @ Urbana Product Owner, Joe Blanks, started this week. Janet Jones handing off some responsibilities to Product Owner, AITS, and CTC, as appropriate:
- Global Admin KB article ownership/maintenance
- (Client Portal) Changelog -
- Roadmap should be owned and maintained by Global Admin Committee
- Other training/tutorial articles should be owned by CTC group
TDAG - Phase 3 survey was sent out and has closed. Eval and ranking tomorrow.
Chicago Updates:
- Awaiting Primary/Secondary contacts from each unit
- Finalizing resources to get pushed out to contacts
System Office Updates:
- Grouper go-live still pending some work
TDX CTC Updates:
- Communications re: 11.6 release being prepped
- Sandbox refresh announcement being finalized (refresh scheduled for 11/29)
- Newsletter going out Nov 22
- Next up will be reviewing the TDX website
- EDW TDX data is UAT now, ~2 weeks
- KB article ownership for TDX governance bodies. Currently assigned to whoever first created the articles. Decision: going forward, assign to a group address, i.e. TDX CTC-owned training articles assigned to a shared email address. TDAG and TDX CB assigned to their respective listservs.
Urbana Updates:
- Product Owner accepted offer and should start soon. Other roles will be shuffled as appropriate once he starts.
- Urbana - TDAG First meeting of the new cohort was 10/26. Set priorities, started Project Phase 3 planning
Chicago Updates:
- Kickoff meeting scheduled for 11/9
System Office Updates:
- Grouper integration - working on final pieces, then go-live to Global Admins on each campus to test for a while
TDX CTC Updates:
- Sarah Follmer stepped down as co-chair due to changing job role. Derek Briles stepping in as co-chair, heading up the training subcommittee.
- Next project: TeamDynamix website revamp into a permanent information space as opposed to just project tracking.
- iPaaS stuck in legal due to the DPA verbiage and limited staff with GDPR expertise in the university's legal office. Est. 2-3 months before the review will be completed.
- TDX ticketing data will be live in EDW Oct/Nov. User Acceptance Testing first, then go-live.
Urbana Updates:
- CIO submitting proposal to Provost for staffing to support TDX
Chicago Updates:
- Prof Services engagement has started, some kickoff meetings have been held internally; working to schedule a webinar and start up transition efforts
- Working to get admin videos from TDX added to Ability LMS
System Office Updates:
- Working with Carle Library on potential for coming in to TDX
- Working internally to review how to best leverage TDX features to enhance processes
- Identifying groups leveraging external web form tools, to bring them over to TDX forms
- Urbana TDAG received approval to move forward on planning non-IT ticketing coming into TDX, as well as individual Asset applications to support local asset management.
- Sarah Follmer has taken over for Allison Payne as co-chair of CTC, Collaborative Board approves
- Matthew Magee will take over as chair of Global Admin Committee, Collaborative Board approves
- Respective TDAG representative on the Collaborative Board will be responsible for bringing relevant updates back to university's TDAG.
- Collaborative Board agreement to communicate significant updates/topics from its meetings to the relevant committees (Global Admin and/or Communications & Training)
- Wes Pate designated as facilitator/leader for the App Admin community, Collaborative Board approves
- Sandbox refresh happened on July 5th 2022
- UIC service catalog refresh completed
- Agreement on creating an Application Administrators Community for U of I TDX application admins
- TDX Collaborative Board agreed system wide scope for App Admin community would be best and also agreed that no formal charter would be written as it is intended to be a community.
- TDX automation use-cases were submitted to BPA (Business Process Automation) team at AITS for discussion/review
- TDX Collaborative Board agreed that the Global Admin Committee will be responsible for updating/maintaining KB article with the key elements that are coming in future releases.
- Finalized Communications & Training Committee membership
- Reviewed iPaaS use cases (demo on 3/18/22)
- Presenting to ITLT on 1/19 to share current status of the platform at U of I
2021 TDX CB Meetings
- Worked with System Offices Shared Services (formerly Organizational Effectiveness) group to take on Training & Communications scope for TDX platform. Draft charge being worked on.
- Global Administrator Committee responsible for content and functional expertise
- U of I generated TDX Enhancement Requests will be logged and made visible. Global Admin Committee charged with implementing.
- Decision/Change Log for TDX to be documented and maintained in Answers KB. Three levels:
- TDX Platform/Service -> Collaborative Board responsible
- TDX Administration -> Global Admin Committee responsible
- University-level Help Centers -> Respective central IT unit responsible
- Decided TDX Project website should not transition to a long-term operational site.
- Service Information -> Service Catalog entries
- Operational Documentation -> Into KB
- Support Documentation -> Into KB
- Implementation Project Artifacts -> Into Box
- Assigned task of creating TDX Change Control process to Global Administrator Committee.
- Decided TDX Business Review meetings should be semiannual, to be attended by Collaborative Board
- Decided TDX Product meetings should follow a ~2 weeks after each TDX version release, to be attended by Collaborative Board and Global Administrators Committee
- Generated topics for TDX Business Review and TDX Product meetings
- Defined minimum requirements for service catalog entries
- About this Service
- Service Description
- Other Names (where applicable)
- About this Service
- Getting/Using this Service
- Eligibility
- Cost
- How to Access
- How to Use (Links to Documentation/etc)
- Support/Hours
- Contact Point for support
- Provided by (optional)
- Approved exemption for Global Admin access for web dev needs
- Defined Global Admin roles/responsibilities and charge for Global Administrator Committee
- Agreed to limiting Global Administrator role access to 8 (2 from each university system offices)
- Formalized membership of Global Admin Committee
- Approved removal of link tracking for TDX emails
- Approved set of pending integration enhancement requests
- Job Titles
- College Affiliation for Students
- Enhanced role distinctions (Faculty vs Staff, etc)
- Decision to leverage the TDX platform to manage the platform (ticketing app to be set up to take in requests/incidents about the TDX platform for global admin scope)
Contact and Support
- For general support please contact the Technology Services Help Desk.