Identity Management, What to do when the University is informed someone has Died?

A family member contacts the Help Desk letting the University know that a former or current employee has died.

Upon the death of a current employee, there are procedures that the Home Unit, campus Human Resources, and University Payroll and Benefits must followed.  The information can be found here.
Upon the death of a retiree, there are procedures that SURS must follow.  The information can be found here.
If the employees was retired, the HR department will still handle the deactivation of their account.  This means there is no reason to create a ticket to send to the Exchange or IAMU team as they cannot process any request to deactivate accounts.

Keywordsemployees death, family contacting dead deceased passed away   Doc ID116874
OwnerID M.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2022-02-18 13:50:59Updated2024-06-24 08:49:12
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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