Canvas@Illinois , Archived Content

This page contains information about content imported into Canvas from Illinois Compass 2g, as well as requesting Illinois Compass archived course data.

The University contracted with K16 Solutions to import course content from Illinois Compass to Canvas@Illinois, covering registrar-affiliated course spaces from Fall, 2019, to Spring, 2022, and excluding student submission and performance data. K16 also provides the University with a longer-term archive solution in their Scaffold product, including student data and extending to the Fall, 2012, term.

Exported content will be available for use in various future endeavors such as grades challenges, academic integrity investigations, etc., as well as for use as a content source in new online courses moving forward.

    Requesting data from the Illinois Compass archive:

    Note: This form is intended for use by instructors only. Requests from students using this form will be denied. Students requesting this data should contact their instructor(s).

    • Submit a request for data via the following form: 
      • Note:  please be very specific when requesting this data as the archive covers just over a decade of learning activity

    • Upon receipt, the request will be reviewed by Illinois Canvas Operations and you may be contacted for additional/clarifying data

    • If the request is a general/overall request for archive course data, the Operations group will provide a ZIP file of the full course for requestor's use
      • Note:  the full archive does not follow the original course formatting and will be delivered through U of I Box
    • If the request is for a few specific pieces of information it is normally fulfilled within 72 hours and will be delivered through TDX. More general requests may require vendor intervention and may increase turnaround time.

    • If the requestor is not the original owner/instructor, or the owner/instructor has left the University, additional steps will be take to ensure correct transfer of ownership of the archive data

    Specific request examples:

    • The overall grade center
    • A submitted assignment for a single student
    • Feedback on a discussion for a single student/grader

    General request examples:

    • All student submissions for an assessment along with commentary (if any)
    • Any course document provided within a module

    Please note that while all possible precautions were taken prior to the Illinois Compass end of contract with Blackboard, Inc., and when dealing with tens of thousands of courses, and dozens of TB of data, there may be an occasional missed course, or an incomplete archive. Also, Banner was and remains the authoritative source of grade data for students. Further, this data is provided as "resultant" data and not "click stream" data. There is no archive of individual user steps or actions within a course outside of the final submitted work.

    KeywordsIllinois Compass 2g, Compass, copied, copy, K16, scaffolding, moved, move, old, material, request, imported   Doc ID118524
    OwnerCanvas C.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
    Created2022-05-12 14:06:04Updated2023-08-16 11:10:21
    SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
    Feedback  0   0