Extension IT Inventory System

Overview of the Extension IT Inventory System

Due to recent changes to the price threshold for equipment tracked in Banner (previously $500+ and changed to $1000+), the IT team felt it was important to provide an alternate system to track all Extension Computer related equipment regardless of its value amount. This Inventory system was created and ready for use to:

  • Record new computer related equipment
  • Make changes/corrections to existing records
  • Notify campus of equipment purposed for Surplus/Scrap
  • Notify campus of equipment that is missing and should be added

To Log into the new inventory tool, choose the following link:


You will log in with your netid and password. You should only be able to see your unit’s inventory. You can request access for other staff by submitting a ticket to extensionit-help@illinois.edu. Once we grant access to a staff member it takes until the next business day before you will be able to access it


You can also go directly to the equipment change form using the following link: https://go.illinois.edu/uie-invchange. You will login with your netid and password. Submit needed changes, surplus, requests, and corrections via this form. They will be emailed to Janice and she will make the changes to the inventory. When she makes changes, those changes will not be reflected on the tool until the next business day.


The Inventory Systems login screen will appear. Use your netid and password to log in.

The information in the new system was imported from Banner so there is much work to be completed to make changes for an accurate, up-to-date system


The following is an example from Unit: IT of what type of data you will be able to view.



The header gives you information about the equipment in your Unit: iPads, Desktops, Laptops, Est Value


You can search either by Service Tag/Serial #, or by Custodian. You can also download your data to an Excel Spreadsheet. You can use this spreadsheet to sort in any of the fields provided.


The link to the right leads you to the guide shown below which explains what information goes into each field


At the bottom of the screen, you will find a link which will take you to the form to make changes, or as mentioned prior the link was provided to go directly that that change form.


Below are the Change Request Forms available:

  • Surplus Request
  •  Change device custodian or location
  • Add missing item
  • Corrections/Remove Duplicates/Other


inventory banner tracking insurance obfs ptag serial 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Matthew A. in University of Illinois Extension KB
University of Illinois Extension KB