Mass Spec - FBS - Student Experiment Tracking
Directions for submitting the number of samples a user has run themselves in the Mass Spec Facility
Keeping track of Student Run Mass Spec Experiments
1. Continue to reserve instrument time and instrument use on ChemFOM as usual.
2. When you are done with your experiments, log into the Mass Spec Sample submission system FBS. Mass Spec FBS logon
3. The new system will open to your FBS Dashboard
4. Go down to the Products, Services and Scheduling Catalogue and choose Student Experiment Tracking
5. Put in your CFOP in the Payment Method, choose the instrument you collected data on and how many samples you ran on that instrument and submit for processing.
6. If you have not filled in all the required fields, it will give the error below. Please complete the fields and resubmit the request.
7. Thank you for helping us track the number of samples submitted to the Mass Spec Facility.