iBuy - Completing the PO Change Request Form

Completing the PO Change Request Form

NOTE: UIUC-Chart 1 Please request your PO Change Request by submitting a Service Request Form, and do not use this process.

When to Submit an iBuy PO Change Request

The iBuy PO Change Request Form creates a request and routes to your university Purchasing Department. The purpose of this form is to request a change to an existing Purchase Order which was placed using the Purchase Requisition Form or Standing Order Form.

The PO Change Request can be submitted for the following changes:

    1. Dollar amount
    2. Quantity
    3. Commodity Code
    4. Add a new line item
    5. Cancel an existing line item
    6. Ship To address
    7. Product description
    8. FOB Code
    9. Non-Standard Payment Terms
    10. External Notes or attachments

A PO Change Request cannot be processed in the following situations:

    1. If the Purchase Order is from a previous Fiscal Year AND is closed in Banner.
    2. If the Purchase Order was generated through a Hosted or Punchout catalog.
    3. If the Purchase Order has been fully invoiced. This may need to be checked in Banner if the vendor does not invoice in iBuy to date.
    4. If the vendor name needs to be changed to another vendor.
    5. If a different BP address needs to be used for the same vendor or if the original BP address used on the PO is not inactive.
    6. If a Change Request was completed on a PO to ‘cancel a line’/Delete a line and the user needs a second Change Request for another reason, currently the second CR will not import into Banner. 10/2023 ticket is with Ellucian from the S2P project.

If multiple Purchase Orders need to have changes applied, submit one PO Change Request Form per Purchase Order.

How to Submit an iBuy PO Change Request

  1. On the iBuy homepage, under the University Forms section, select PO Change Request Form.
  2. Review the instructions tab.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Select Add Attachments to attach any supporting documentation regarding the change request, including but not limited to quotes and emails from the supplier; not all change requests require attachments.
  5. To attach a document Upload.
  6. Enter a document name in the Title field.
  7. Select Choose File and browse for your supporting documentation.
  8. Select Save Changes and then select Save Changes a second time to close the popup box.
  9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 to attach more than one document.
    NOTE: You will be prompted for Display Order of the attachments. If this does not matter to you, then leave at the default setting.
  10. Once the document(s) are attached, you have the option to Edit or Delete the document(s) on the Attachments page.
  11. Select Next.
  12. Enter your user information in the following fields on the Questions page.
    1. Name
    2. Office – Purchasing UIC–Chart 2; Purchasing UIS–Chart 4; System Purchasing–Chart 9
    3. Email Address
    4. Phone Number
    5. Purchase Order Number
  13. Change Request Information: Enter detailed information in the text box. Please provide the details of what you would like to change on your Purchase Order.
    1. Please provide the details of what needs to be changed and for which line items.
      NOTE: If your explanation exceeds 2000 characters, please attach documentation explaining in detail all changes required to the Purchase Order.
      NOTE: Do not include changes required for more than one Purchase Order. This should be explained in a separate PO Change Request.
  14. Has the vendor requested a copy of the revised Purchasing Order?
    1. If yes is selected, the Change Request revised PO will be sent using the same distribution method and recipient as the original PO. Purchasing must manually enable the option to resend the PO to the vendor.
  15. Select Next.
  16. The Review and Submit screen will appear. Select Submit.
  17. Answer the following question: Are you sure you want to submit this form?
    1. Select Yes if you are ready to submit.
    2. Select No if you need to make changes to the form before submitting.
      NOTE: If you go back into the form to make changes, make sure to click Save Progress.

    Upon submitting, your request will be routed to your Purchasing Department who will then complete all necessary actions to process the PO Change Request.

    Communication After the PO Change Request Submission

    If your Purchasing Department has additional questions about the Change Request, they will either send the form back using Return to Requisitioner with comments or they will use the Discussion Thread option within the form. You will receive email and system notifications if either of these features are used within the form.

    You can also recall the form by navigating to the left navigation of iBuy and clicking Orders, then My Orders, then My Procurement Requests or by clicking the link within the email or system notification.

    As a user, you also have the option of starting a Discussion Thread within the form by clicking Discussion, then Start New Thread, and entering a Subject and Message. You also have the option to Add Attachments.

    Once a Discussion Thread has been started, then the option of Reply to this Thread will be available. Date, time, and usernames will be logged within the Discussion Thread. If you use a Discussion Thread as a method of communication with your Purchasing Department, this should replace email conversations.

iBuy, purchasing, procurement 
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AITS iBuy Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources