iBuy - Completing the Standing Order Form

This article provides step-by-step instructions to complete the Standing Order Form in iBuy.

A Standing Purchase Order allows units to purchase goods or services on an as-needed basis, without having to submit additional requisitions during a fiscal year. Think of a Standing Order as a large bucket of money to be used throughout the fiscal year and will receive multiple invoices against the purchase order. For example, medical supplies, maintenance of automated doors, or water cooler service and supplies. The SO has a commodity description and encumbrance total, with a quantity of one.

Limitation on the Standing Order Form:

  • Fixed Asset/Equipment Account Codes are not accepted.
    • EXCEPTION: Non-Catalog furniture orders where the large number of items will create a significant operational burden, may be ordered using the Standing Order creating one line-item and attach line item detailed quote from the furniture vendor.
  • Nonconforming orders should not be placed using this form but can be processed on the Purchase Requisition form.

Once submitted, the Standing Order Form will route to the appropriate Department Approval queue and then to the associated Purchasing Department via the Standing Order queue.

Steps to Complete the Standing Order Form

  1. On the iBuy homepage under the University Forms section, click Standing Order.
  2. In the Instructions section, review the instructions.
  3. Select Next.
  4. In the Supplier section, follow these steps:
    1. Enter the Supplier Name or Supplier ID (@########) in the Supplier field, but do not populate the other fields.
    2. Select Search.
    3. Choose the Business Purchase (BP) address using the corresponding Select.
      NOTE: By default, the preferred Business Purchase (BP) address will be bold and selected. Please use this address unless otherwise instructed.
    4. Select Next.
  5. In the Form Fields section, no action is required. Select Next.
  6. In the Form Fields – Order Information section, answer the following questions about the purchase request.
    1. Have any goods already been received or any services performed for this requisition or is this order to accommodate a Cancel and Replace Purchase Order? Yes or No.
      NOTE: This question should be answered "Yes" if you are completing an After the Fact (non-conforming) Purchase Order. Purchase Orders will not be distributed automatically to the vendor.
    2. If Yes, then the following questions need to be answered:
  7. Is this order a Cancel and Replace Purchase Order? Yes or No.
    1. If No, please provide a brief explanation of why the goods and/or services were received prior to issuing a PO.
    2. If Yes, provide the canceled PO number.
      NOTE: Provide the canceled PO number entered above in the cart in the External Notes and Attachments section within the Note to Supplier box. For example, "This PO is replacing original PO PXXXXXX."
  8. Has an Invoice been received? Yes or No.
  9. Are the total goods or services less than $100k? Yes or No.
  10. Is there an award, sole source, exemption, emergency, or existing contract in place? Yes or No.
    1. If Yes, then provide the associated award, sole source, exemption, emergency number or contract number.
  11. Is the vendor expecting a copy of the new Purchase Order? Yes or No.
    NOTE: Answering "Yes" means that the PO will be sent to the vendor; however, approvers on the order will have the option to update the answer to this question.
  12. Are you placing an order for furniture that may require an equipment inventory Ptag?
    1. Select Yes, if the furniture you are ordering can be moved from one location at the university to another, an equipment tag (Ptag) will need to be affixed to allow the university to track that item. Use an Equipment Account code starting with 128*** or 163***, within the C-FOAP for when a single item is valued over $2,500.
  13. In the Form Fields - Order Details section, answer the following questions about the standing order:
    1. Enter the Requested Term of Service.
      1. Start Date
      2. End Date
    2. Enter information in the Unit Price (USD) field.
    3. The Quantity default will always be 1.
    4. Select from the Unit of Measure drop-down menu.
      NOTE: This is usually EA - Each
    5. Enter information in the Product Description field.
      NOTE: This should be less than 250 characters to accommodate Banner; avoid unique characters; it is important to match what is provided by the supplier to avoid invoicing errors.
    6. The Catalog No. field defaults to value SPO.
    7. Select the Commodity Code from the search feature.
      NOTE: Select Edit next to the Commodity Code field and enter a partial Commodity Code (example: 640XXX) or Description (example: Bags) and select Search. Then choose the Commodity Code using the corresponding Select.
      NOTE: For more information about the appropriate Commodity Code to select for each item in your order, please see the Commodity Codes page on the Business & Finance website.
  14. Select Next.
  15. Answer the following question about the Purchase Information: Is your order $10,000 or more? Yes or No.
    1. If No, then no additional information is needed, unless your order falls within the guidelines of the note below. This applies regardless of the amount of the requisition.
      NOTE: If this purchase is based on a Bulletin posting (for RFP, IFB, Sole Source, Exemption, Cooperative) or Contract, please fill in the Bulletin Number and/or Contract Number in the Internal Notes and Attachments section of the requisition.
    2. If Yes, were three quotes obtained from different competitive sources?
      1. If Yes, then written, email, or faxed quotes should be attached to the requisition, including detailed verbal quotes, in the Internal Notes and Attachments section of the requisition with date, vendor contacted, and quoted price. Internet searches should identify websites or links providing vendor and pricing.
      2. If Yes, then answer the following question: Was at least one quote obtained from a diverse vendor? Yes or No.
      3. If No, select the reason why multiple quotes were not possible from the following options (and provide additional information in the Internal Notes and Attachments section as appropriate).
        1. Supply or service is not available from multiple vendors.
          NOTE: If this purchase is based on a Bulletin posting (RFP, IFB, Sole Source, Exemption, Cooperative) or Contract, please fill in the Bulletin Number and/or Contract Request Number in the Internal Notes and Attachments section of the requisition.
        2. Purchase is being made from an awarded contract.
          NOTE: If this purchase is based on a Bulletin posting (RFP, IFB, Sole Source, Exemption, Cooperative) or Contract, please fill in the Bulletin Number and/or Contract Request Number in the Internal Notes and Attachments section of the requisition.
        3. Urgent need for the supply or service that does not allow time to obtain multiple quotes.
          NOTE: If this purchase is based on a Bulletin posting (RFP, IFB, Sole Source, Exemption, Cooperative) or Contract, please fill in the Bulletin Number and/or Contract Request Number in the Internal Notes and Attachments section of the requisition.
        4. Purchase from certified small or diverse vendor, less than $20,000, and not federally funded.
        5. Other (provide justification below).
          NOTE: If quotes were not obtained, then provide qualifying information within the provided box.
  16. Select Next.
  17. If you are ordering one item, then select Add and Go to Cart.
  18. If you are ordering more than one item, then select Save to Cart and Add Another:
    1. The form will default to the Instructions section, so you must select the Order Details section.
    2. The previous item values will still be populated in the Order Details. Type over the previous item values and details with the next item values and details.
    3. Select Save Progress.
    4. Select Review and Submit from the left side of the form.
    5. If you are done entering your items, then select Add and Go to Cart. Otherwise, select Save to Cart and Add Another.
    6. You will repeat the steps above for each item ordered by overwriting the previous values until all of your line items are entered.
    7. After entering the details of the final item, select Add and Go to Cart.
      NOTE: To edit the requisition, please refer to the Edit the Requisition Before Submitting the Order instructions below
  19. In the Shopping Cart section, review the cart and make any necessary changes.
  20. Select Proceed to Checkout.
  21. Enter information in the FOB Code (Freight on Board) field.
    1. To update this field, select Edit (pencil icon) next to the Shipping heading.
    2. For additional details on what FOB Code to use and catalog vendor details, refer to the iBuy - FOB Code Information document
      1. Freight/shipping charges should not be invoiced by the supplier FOB 31.
        NOTE: You are not expecting the vendor to charge shipping. The invoice should not have a shipping fee, and if shipping is on the invoice, then Payables should reach out to you.
      2. Freight/shipping charges are to be invoiced by the supplier and allowed for FOB 30.
        NOTE: You are expecting the vendor to charge shipping. You may not know the exact amount, but you are willing to accept and pay whatever shipping rate is sent by the vendor on the invoice.
      3. Special shipping instructions on FOB 21 (include external notes and applicable documentation and PO clauses).
        1. Note that FOB 30 and FOB 31 are the primary selections for shipping.
        2. FOB 21 should be used to accommodate for departmental FedEx or UPS Shipping accounts.
        3. Any supporting notes and applicable documentation should be attached to the requisition in PDF format in the External Notes and Attachments section of the requisition for Purchasing review and to accompany the PO sent to the vendor.
      4. Select Save.
  22. Enter information or add attachments in the Internal Notes and Attachments section, if needed. To make edits in this section, select Edit (pencil icon) next to the section heading.
    NOTE: If this purchase is based on a Bulletin posting (for RFP, IFB, Sole Source, Exemption, Cooperative) or Contract, please fill in the Bulletin Award Number and/or Contract Request Number in the External Notes and Attachments section of the requisition.
  23. Refer to the next sections for how to edit your order, update your ship to address, add an accounting string, and add attachments, prior to submitting the order.
  24. Reference and review the Summary section on the right-hand side of the checkout page. The iBuy system has several checks and balances in place to avoid order errors and rejection upon placing an order. If there are Warnings (yellow triangle with an exclamation point), please review the message and compare it to the details in your cart to confirm if action is needed. Errors (red circle with a white X) will not allow you to proceed with placing an order and must be resolved.
  25. Select Place Order.

Editing the Requisition Before Submitting the Order

  1. Under Supplier Details on the Shopping Cart page of the requisition, select the Standing Order link.
  2. Navigate to the section of the form you need to edit by selecting the section name from the menu.
    NOTE: Much of what is editable is within the Order Details section.
  3. Edit the necessary information and select Save Progress.
  4. Select the Back to Cart link in the upper left corner of the Standing Order.
    NOTE: Do not select Next and continue through the form because you could duplicate the line items on the order.

Using an Alternate Shipping Address

  1. Under the Freight/Shipping Charges section, select Edit (pencil icon).
  2. Enter the appropriate address by applying one of the following options:
    1. Option 1: Choose from Your Addresses
      1. Select the radio button next to the address from the address options previously added.
        NOTE: To add additional address options to your profile, please refer to this job aid: iBuy - Setting Up and Using Ship To Address.
    2. Option 2: Select a New Address
      1. In the search box below the list of current Ship To set up, enter a portion of the Banner Ship to Code or a portion of the address and select Search.
      2. The address(es) will populate within your current address list and you may select the radio button of the address you want to use.
      3. Enter the ultimate destination in the Location field.
        NOTE: Information must be entered in the Location field. This can be a specific room number, campus mail code, or an email address.
    3. Select Save Changes.

Using the Accounting Date Field

It is important to know when to appropriately apply an Accounting Date of 7/1/20XX. Here are the guidelines:

  • State Fund 1000XX – The State Fund code 1000XX for future fiscal years is typically opened for use the first week of December the year prior. When creating or approving an order on or before June 30, 20XX, that uses next fiscal year Fund Code 1000XX, the Accounting Date field under Billing Options on the checkout page of iBuy must be populated with the value of 7/1/2025 to ensure that the purchase order is applied to fiscal year 2026. Applying the Accounting Date of 7/1/2025 ensures that any invoices received against your purchase order will be appropriately paid after 7/1/2025 and will avoid system errors. 

  • Orders for the next fiscal year (7/1/2025 – 6/30/2026) – Orders for subscriptions, renewals, or goods/services that do not start until 7/1/2025, should also have the Accounting Date field under Billing Options on the checkout page of iBuy populated with 7/1/2025. Please note if you need an invoice paid prior to 7/1/2025 then leave the Accounting Date empty.

Editing the Accounting String (C-FOAPAL) Codes

  1. Under the Accounting Codes section, select Edit (pencil icon).
  2. Enter the appropriate accounting code by applying one of the following options:
    1. Option 1: Select from your code favorites by hovering over the right-hand corner of the pop-up window and select Favorites (heart icon) and then select from the list of saved nickname codes.
    2. Option 2: Search by Value or Description. Select the arrow within the box of the accounting code you need to change. You can type the number in the box, select from the values that are saved, or select Search to search by number or Description, or a portion of either Value or Description. Select Add Split (plus sign) to split FOAPAL codes and repeat steps 1-2 above.
      NOTE: You cannot select a second favorite when splitting a FOAPAL. You must manually enter the second FOAPAL string. For more information, please see this job aid: iBuy - Splitting Accounting Codes (C-FOAPAL).
  3. Select Save Changes.

Notes and Attachments

  • Internal Notes and Attachments will not go to the supplier or Banner and can be shared between departments.
  • External Notes and Attachments will go to the supplier, and External Notes will go to Banner.
    • External Attachments must be in PDF format.
    • The documents added as External Attachments do not need to be added as Internal Attachments.

purchasing, procurement 
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AITS iBuy Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources