Purchasing – Deleting an Incomplete Receiving Document

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to delete an incomplete receiving document.

A receiving document with “incomplete” status can be deleted or removed through the FPARCVD page.

  1. Enter FPARCVD in the Search field and press ENTER to open Receiving Goods.
  2. Enter the receiving document number into the Receiver Document Code field or select the Search button and select the appropriate document from the list of Receiving/Packing Slips.
  3. Select the Go button.
    NOTE: All of the header information will be displayed.
  4. Select Delete from the menu bar.
    NOTE: A message displays in the upper left corner line to ask for confirmation of this action.
  5. Select Delete again to confirm the removal.
    NOTE: A message displays to confirm that the receiving document has been deleted.
  6. Select the Close button to return to the main menu.

Keywordsreceiving, purchasing, procurement   Doc ID120339
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-08-08 11:17:22Updated2024-01-25 14:55:55
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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