SANDI - How can I change charge information (quantity, description, visit type, performing doctor, etc.)
This article explains how to change / update various items on a charge.
Accessing the Charge Menu
- Bring up a client/patient in the dashboard.
- Select the arrow next to Charges/Procedure Hx
Changing the Description or Quantity of a Charge
- Select the edit
icon next to the charge you want to update. (In our example we are using PC039 PC IV Catheter Placement.)
- Change the procedure name (in our example we put three asterisks after PC IV Catheter Placement so it now reads: PC IV Catheter Placement***)
- Enter the new quantity. (In our example we changed it from 1 to 2.)
- Select Update.
- The description is now updated.
- The Qty is now updated.
Note: you can also update the Visit Type, Performing Dr., etc.