SYSTEM HR - Tracker Dashboard

Tracker Dashboard

The dashboard is the homepage that you will see when you first log in to Tracker. Below is a screenshot, which may have some additional options compared to what you see. Numbered items are explained in detail below.

1. Search for Existing Employee

Clicking the search box will bring up a number of fields to search existing Tracker I-9 records, as shown in the image below.

Before beginning a new I-9, always search for an existing employee record. This may be a fully complete I-9 or just an employee profile. The most reliable practice is to search using the UIN in the Employee ID field. If no record is found, you may also try to find the employee using their First and Last Name.

Be aware that certain records may match in name, but can be entirely different employees. If the search results in an existing record, open the employee profile by clicking on the result, then clicking View Selected Profile (see below). Confirm the details of the record, including date of birth, to determine if the record is a match.

2. Create New I-9

Click these buttons to create a new I-9 for either a new employee or an existing employee. When you create an I-9 for a new employee, you will first be prompted to create a new employee profile. If you select the existing employee option you will follow the search process described above.

3. Tasks Summary

This panel summarizes the various I-9s which require your attention. The tasks are separated into several tasks, which are each separated by colors to indicate due dates. The task categories are:

  • Section 1 Due – Section 1 has not been completed by the employee.
  • Section 2 Due – Section 2 has not been completed by you, the I-9 Manager.
  • Section 3 Due – Section 3 has not been completed and may be required for a reverification.
  • E-Verify / Pending –E-Verify cases required or in progress. Contact your central HR office to start or complete E-Verify cases.
  • Reverification Due – Forms requires reverification of documents.
  • Receipt Reverification Due – An employee presented a receipt for a document instead of the document itself. Section 2 must be updated while verifying the new document.
  • Missing Start Date in Section 2 – The employee’s start date was not entered. If there are any forms in this category, enter the appropriate start dates as soon as possible.

Each category is color-coded as follows:

  • Dark Blue – The due dates for these tasks are more than two weeks away.
  • Light Blue – The due dates for these tasks are less than two weeks away and must be completed by the due date.
  • Red – The due dates for these tasks have passed. The tasks must be completed immediately.

You can click on the tabs at the top of the panel to see individual records that need your attention for each task listed. Or, click the number in the Total column to see a full list.

4. Most Recently Visited Records Requiring Action

The most recent I-9s you have viewed with a pending action are listed here. These are not necessarily due or overdue, but the due date for each task is listed next to the form. You can access the forms directly by clicking the employee name.

5. Remote Access I-9 Records Task Due

Similar to the Form I-9 Task Due panel, this displays information specifically about remote hire I-9s. The task categories in this panel are:

  • Section 1 Due – Section 1 has not been completed by the employee.
  • Section 2 Due – Section 2 has not been completed by the Designated Representative.
  • Section 3 Due – Section 3 has not been completed and may be required for a reverification.
  • Appoint Section 2 Rep/Appoint Section 3 Rep – The Designated Representative has not yet been identified to complete the appropriate Section.
  • Awaiting Section 2 Approval/Awaiting Section 3 Approval – You, the I-9 Manager, must review and approve the I-9 before it is considered complete.

As above, each category is also color-coded:

  • Dark Blue – The due dates for these tasks are more than two weeks away.
  • Light Blue – The due dates for these tasks are less than two weeks away and must be completed by the due date.
  • Red – The due dates for these tasks have passed. The tasks must be completed immediately.

Tracker Dashboard 
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Owned by:
Joy B. in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources