eLearning: GCOE Student Guide for MediaSpace

This guide is specific to students within the Grainger College of Engineering.

The Grainger College of Engineering uses Mediaspace for in class lecture recordings where available and requested by the instructor. Not all Engineering courses will have associated recordings. 

I Need To... Resource Additional Notes

Login to Mediaspace


Search for recordings in Mediaspace


Finding course recordings in Mediaspace

https://answers.uillinois.edu/59251 My Channels contains channels created for your course with the recordings grouped with the Channel.
Subscribe to a Channel in Mediaspace


Click the "Subscribe" button on the channel to subscribe to the channel content.
Find a complete guide to Kaltura/Mediaspace Mediaspace Resource Guide

Need further assistance? Contact Engineering IT at engrit-help@illinois.edu

Keywordsmedia space mediaspace kaltura lecture capture recording engineering   Doc ID120724
OwnerMelissa W.GroupEngineering IT
Shared Services
Created2022-08-16 15:48:51Updated2024-08-20 12:06:31
SitesUniversity of Illinois Engineering IT
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