Canvas@Illinois, Access the Legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar with Keyboard Shortcut

This article describes how you can activate the Design Tools Sidebar when editing content in your Canvas course.


The Design Tools Sidebar is part of the DesignPLUS integration with Canvas. Any user with permission to edit content in Canvas sites will have access to this tool, but it must first be turned on with a keyboard shortcut when you want to use it.

As of Summer 2024: Please note that DesignPLUS has an upgraded sidebar that you can opt in to using now! If you are new to DesignPLUS, it's recommended that you start by using the New DesignPLUS Sidebar because it will become the default view on July 23, 2024. For more information, see the following Knowledgebase article: Canvas@Illinois, Enable the New DesignPLUS Sidebar

Keyboard Shortcut to Access the Legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar

The Legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar is available only when editing content (like editing a page, discussion description, etc.). To enable this tool, you'll need to use one of the following shortcuts:

  • PC Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + Shift + D
  • Mac Keyboard Shortcut: Option + Shift + D

After entering the shortcut, you will see the Legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar expand on the right side like the screenshot below.

Canvas Page in edit mode with a red arrow pointing to the Design Tools Sidebar on the right side of the browser and outlined in a red box

Why the DesignPLUS Sidebar Enabled by Default?

Since DesignPLUS is not required to create content, and to prevent confusion with an additional tool, we’re requiring keyboard shortcut activation at least the first time the tool is accessed. If you plan to use the DesignPLUS Sidebar frequently, you can adjust your user settings to automatically launch the tool with the following instructions: Canvas@Illinois, Automatically Launch the DesignPLUS Sidebar.

Keywordscanvas, designplus, design tools sidebar   Doc ID121226
OwnerCanvas C.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2022-09-09 14:10:57Updated2024-07-05 10:02:01
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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