Chrome River – Submitting Temporary Vendor Payments

This article provides step-by-step instructions on submitting temporary vendor payments in Chrome River.

Temporary vendor payments can only be used for payments meeting the following criteria:

  • Refunds of any kind
  • Non-employee reimbursements
  • Payments to human subjects totaling less than $200.00 in a calendar year

Additional information:

  • The report number can be referenced in FOATEXT within Banner.
  • Vendor Payment Reports with multiple invoices attached will be rejected back to the creator for correction. 
  1. From the Chrome River Home screen, select the +Create button in the Invoices ribbon.
    If the Invoices ribbon is not available, contact the USC to request this additional module.
  2. Complete the header information.
    1. Enter the Vendor Name.
      1. Select the Vendor Name field.
        1. Select +Create Temporary Vendor.
        2. Enter the vendor name (the payee) in the field of the Create Temporary Vendor pop-up window.
        3. Select Create.
    2. Enter the Invoice Date.
    3. Enter the Invoice Number.
    4. Enter the Invoice Amount.
  3. Complete the Invoice Detail section.
    1. Review the Requester.
      NOTE: The Requester defaults to the Creator of this report. You can edit the Requester and select another individual. The first approver of this report will be the Requester if they are different from the Creator. This report will then route through the approval queue of the Requester.
    2. Enter the Business Purpose.
      NOTE: Business Purpose
      requirements are similar to Expense Reports requirements. Review the Providing a Detailed Business Purpose job aid for more information.
    3. Review the NCAA Compliance Review Required? drop-down menu.
      NOTE: The NCAA Compliance Review Required? drop-down defaults to No. Selecting Yes will add an additional routing approval to the NCAA Compliance Office at your university.
    4. Review the Are you paying a foreign person drop-down menu.
      NOTE: The Are you paying a foreign person? drop-down menu defaults to No. Selecting Yes will add an additional routing approval to University Payroll and Benefits.
    5. Review the Check Request drop-down menu.
      NOTE: The Check Request drop-down defaults to No.
      1. Select Pickup Check and the associated university from the drop-down menu. 
      2. Enter the designated person for check pick up in the Special handling instructions field under the Special Handling section. 
        NOTE: Upon submission of the report, the phone number of the designated person will be requested.
  4. Complete the Special Handling section if applicable.
    1. Complete the Handling Options if applicable.
      1. Expedited Payment Request (EPR) means that you need this payment as soon as possible. Non-Employee Travel reimbursements are rarely approved as an EPR.
      2. State-Funded Check Pickup means that this check needs to be picked up, but the bank code cannot be altered due to the funding source. Check this box and add the specific reason for the pickup request.
      3. Pay Via Wire is reserved for international and contractually obligated wire payments.
    2. Complete Special handling instructions if applicable.
  5. Complete the Comments section if applicable.
    NOTE: Place the payee address in the Comments section if it is not included in the backup documents.
    1. Enter it in the Comments field.
    2. Select Post.
  6. Complete the Attachments section.
    1. Drag and drop the receipts file onto this report OR use the Browse File button under Attachment.
    2. Use the Browse File button to locate your attachment on your computer.
    3. Select the file.
    4. Select the Open button.
    5. On the Extract Data screen, select the Skip button.
      NOTE: Selecting the Extract Data button will use OCR to import data from your attachment and override the information in your document.
  7. Select the +Add Expense button to add allocations to account codes.
    1. Select the Account Code.
      1. Enter the Account Code or a description of the Account Code to help find the appropriate code.
      2. Enter the Service Start Date.
      3. Enter the Service End Date.
  8. Select the Allocation.
    NOTE: You can start typing the Allocation or a description of the Allocation to help find the appropriate code.
    1. Enter in Activity and Location codes if applicable.
    2. Add additional expense lines if necessary.
    3. Select Save.
  9. Select the Submit button.
  10. Select Approve.
  11. On the Approval Confirmation screen, add an additional approver if applicable, but do not add yourself. Check the box and add a comment.

Vendor Payments UPAY 
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