ATLAS Data Services Center - User Profile Areas of Interest Guide

A guide on how to select areas of interest, in order to let the Data Services Center recommend more relevant reports to the user.

You can customize your User Profile to allow the DSC to recommend reports that are more relevant to your needs.

By clicking on the user icon in the top right of any page of the Data Service Center's website (which will be a single letter for users who have not set a specific profile picture), you will be routed to the user profile page. The following sections will be displayed on the profile page.

An image showing what the DSC's user profile screen looks like.

The Areas of Interest in the top left square are set by users, allowing the Data Services Center to recommend reports to you that match those categories. The Report Tags option also functions in a similar way; however, while Areas of Interest are more about the user's interests, the Tags are more focused on details about potential reports, such as availability. 

Notification Preferences allows users to change whether or not they want to be told information about the DSC through active notifications, such as potential server downtimes or new reports that fit their specifications being published.

Favorites are for reports that users have "favorited" by clicking the star that appears in the top left corner of the report in the Search screen. This allows for users to come back to specific reports without having to search for them.

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