AITS - Service Desk - Tax Documents - Error when Accessing Tax Documents
Users have reported when using Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, eprintview displays an error message.
This is a normal response that activates due to inactivity on the website. We have found that the Adobe Add-on and other Extension are causing this timeout page when users first click to open the document. To Prevent this error, certain Adobe Extension Options and other Ad Blocking Extension need to be disabled. Ad Blocker extensions will prevent the tax document from opening and will have to be temporarily disabled.
Note: It may be easier to have users open a new browser with no extensions active. Otherwise, users will need to disable extensions or change these Add-on Options.
To disable an extension, see below:
Find the extension you wish to disable.
Toggle the slide bar at the bottom right to disable.
Users may need to adjust some options within the Add-on Extension.
Open extension options:
Look for Open PDFs in Acrobat (this causes the time out to immediately appear upon first click).
Toggle the slider to the disable this option under the extension:
Once the options are changed and the extensions are off you must Logout of the Online Tax Forms Web Session and close the web browser.
You can go back to the Previous tab and click logout at the top right or simply click the x in the top right corner to close the browser.
If the above does not fix the issue, try clearing your browser cache and cookies: Clearing Browser Cache and Cookies
revisit: Access Tax Forms
If you continue to have problems, you will need to contact Payroll and Benefits.
UIUC: 217-265-6363
UIC: 312-996-7200
UIS: 217-206-7144