Qualtrics: Creating an account in the UIUC site license

As of January 1, 2023 the UIUC campus has access to a Qualtrics enterprise site license. This license covers all faculty, students, and staff and is available at https://illinois.qualtrics.com. The College of ACES Qualtrics site license is being retired and accounts will be transitioned to the new campus license before the end of 2023.

Accessing the UIUC Qualtrics enterprise site license

To create a new account in the UIUC Qualtrics enterprise site license:

  • Visit the URL: https://illinois.qualtrics.com
  • Login to with your campus NetID and password (Two factor authentication is required)
  • Your new UIUC Qualtrics account will be automatically created upon first login
  • You will receive a follow-up email from the system confirming your account creation
  • Use the https://illinois.qualtrics.com URL for access to surveys and workflows you create

What about my ACES Qualtrics account?

Over the coming weeks information will be provided about the transition from the ACES Qualtrics license to the UIUC Qualtrics license.  You should create all new survey instruments using the UIUC Qualtrics license.  If you are using Qualtrics as a part of a course during the Spring 2023 semester please do not initiate a change with them during the semester.  Instructions for student use will be available after the close of the Spring 2023 semester.

If you have specific questions or concerns about the transition from the ACES Qualtrics license to the UIUC Qualtrics license please submit them to aces-it-help@illinois.edu.

Qualtrics, survey, research, 'site license', 'survey instrument', 'research panel', 'data collection', 'quantitative data collection', 'qualitative data collection', forms, 'web forms' 
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Owned by:
James K. in Answers @ ACES
University of Illinois - College of ACES