SANDI - Field Service Worksheets (LAC)

Field Service Worksheets (FSW) are used to document consults, treatments and deaths, by species, on field service calls. FSWs are filled out in the field and entered into SANDI by LAC CSRs.

Access Field Service Worksheet (FSW)

1. From the Patient Dashboard, select the Patient drop down.


2. Select Field Service Worksheet


All previous worksheets will be listed with the option to Edit or Delete in the Actions column.

Note: All fields can be edited with the exception of Client and Billing Number, those fields cannot be changed.

Create a Field Service Worksheet

1. Select Add


Field Overview

  • Client number is auto populated.
  • Billing Number is auto generated.  The billing number is the MR# plus the date (Kelsie123+030923). If you have multiple species under the same date, a letter should be put at the end of the Billing Number starting with he letter 'a'. (Kelsie123030923a, Kelsie123030923b, Kelsie123030923c, etc.)
  • Doctor will auto populate with the Coordinating doctor if a Visit is open.
  • Date auto populates with today's date.
  • Students, enter the number of students who participated in the service call.

Add Species Seen

1. Add Species


2. Select the proper species seen.

Note: You can scroll and search or type the species in the search box.

3. Record the number consulted, treated and Dead.

4. Select Submit when finished. 

fsw, worksheet, field, farms, call, herd, group, 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Tina O. in UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital