Web Intelligence Rich Client - Error When Opening Document

Error - User does not have permission to open the document according to the document security lock. (WIS 30672)

Business Objects 4.3 (implemented 3/27/2023) does not include the two Security checkbox options (image below) like in Business Objects 4.2.

old security check boxes

If a document was saved in Business Objects 4.2 (old version) with one or both of these check boxes unchecked, other users attempting to open the document will receive the error message below. The error message appears and disappears very quickly, so it may seem like the program is unresponsive, or simply won't open the document.

security check box error message


Have the user who created the Web Intelligence document in Business Objects 4.2 open and re-save the document in Business Objects 4.3 selecting the Remove Security option. Once the document is re-saved in the Business Objects 4.3, other users (with adequate permissions) will be able to open it.

security removed

KeywordsWeb Intelligence Rich Client, Webi, AITS, Decision Support, Error, Security lock, Permission   Doc ID126826
OwnerAlex H.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2023-03-23 08:30:48Updated2023-03-27 08:10:17
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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