Cataloging and Reference Resources
LC Cataloger's Desktop
The Library of Congress Cataloger's Desktop provides access to AACR2 and other tools in electronic format. It supports up to 14 simultaneous users. For more product information, please visit the Library of Congress LC Cataloger's Desktop website. You can review their FAQ page here and LC Cataloger's Desktop login page, password required.
LC Classification Web
The Library of Congress Classification Web resource provides access to LC classification and subject headings. Please note that users may print up to twenty screens only of Service content (such as help documentation) during a 24-hour period. It supports up to 25-29 concurrent users. For product information, please visit the Classification Web menu page. There is a tutorial available on the LC Classification Web tutorial page.
OCLC Connexion
OCLC Connexion is the web portal for OCLC cataloging tools, including Authorities, WebDewey, and WorldCat. OCLC is a global library cooperative non-profit dedicated to providing information access. To log into the portal, visit the Connexion Dashboard page. Password required. For a list of supported browsers, please visit the Connexion Hardware/Software page.
RDA Toolkit
The iSchool pays for a shared subscription to RDA Toolkit with the UIUC library. Twenty users are allowed at a time. For more product information, please visit the RDA Toolkit page. To log in, please visit the RDA Toolkit Access page and connect with your campus IP address (remote users should be on VPN or via a Library proxy)*
*Note: As of 2/7/22, in addition to the above, one needs to click on the login button (a username and password are NOT required). When you see "University of Illinois" in the Blue Banner, you are logged in, see RDA Announcement for details
LibGuides (also known as Campus Guides) on the iSchool Sandbox site is a free service for students, faculty, and staff. The ITD office can create accounts for individuals or entire classes upon request. The iSchool Sandbox account also allows for the use of other LibApps, including LibAnswers, LibChat, and LibWizard. To log into the LibApps platform, please visit the iSchool LibApps page.
Contact the Help Desk at for information or to request an account.