Canvas@Illinois , Changes to Enrollment Status for Automated Course Drops

This article describes behavior and defaults regarding changes to enrollment status for dropped enrollment automation

In June 2023, the "drop" status for automated enrollments in the Canvas@Illinois service was changed from "completed" to "deleted".

This change was implemented to resolve several issues:

  • course group memberships in which a completed enrollment is incorrectly maintained
  • course analytics that incorrectly include completed enrollments as "active"
  • assignment due dates that are unique to sections, but in which a student is a member of multiple sections

What can I expect following these changes?

  • groups within a course will no longer contain dropped enrollments
  • course analytics will be more accurate as they will no longer include these completed enrollments
  • due dates for items specific to a section, in which a student was enrolled, will be accurate, no longer defaulting to the "earliest" due date

How do I restore an enrollment following this if needed?

You will no longer be able to restore enrollments within your course by visiting the "Previous Enrollments" area. You will need to perform one of the following actions:

    • Invite the student back to the course in the correct section(s) through the "People" menu. Once they accept the invitation any work is restored to its original state.
    • Put in a ticket with Technology Services to have the enrollment(s) restored ( requesting same.

Will my re-invited student(s) be dropped at the next enrollment run?

No. Any change to enrollment status made by a Teacher, etc., within the Canvas user interface is considered "sticky" and persistent, and will be ignored by rostering automation.

Keywordscanvas enrollment drop deleted completed   Doc ID128525
OwnerCanvas C.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2023-05-24 13:03:39Updated2024-09-03 13:31:57
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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