How to adjust screen scale and layout (Windows)

A guide to adjusting screen scale and layout for Windows.


  1. Go to Start > Settings > System > Display

    Windows settings

  2. Scroll down to Scale and layout.
  3. Adjust the scaling and resolution until the appearance works for you.

    scale and layout menu

Layout: Mirrored vs. Extended

You may want the television to mirror the laptop (show exactly what is on the laptop screen on the big screen) or extend your screen space (the television acts as a separate screen with different content).

Difference between mirrored and extended display

  1. Go to Start > Settings > System > Display

    Windows settings

  2. Scroll down to Multiple displays.
  3. Use the drop-down menu to select the proper setting for your purposes.
    1. Duplicate these displays: Mirrored display method
    2. Extend these displays: Extended display method
    3. Show only on 1: Only the laptop displays, the television display is muted.
    4. Show only on 2: Only the television displays, the laptop display is muted.
      Display options
  4. If you are extending your display, you may want to scroll to the top of the display page to rearrange the orientation of the laptop and television.
    Arranging displays

  5. Click apply to apply the settings.

guide "make bigger" smaller resolution Windows layout scale display 
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