TDX: How to Search Past (Resolved) Tickets
From the ticket queue in TDX, click on the green filter button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen:
In the menu that appears on the right side of the screen, scroll down to "Current Status" and click Select All. This will include all tickets, including those that have been resolved, in your search results.
Scroll back up to "Text Search" and type in your search terms. Using the "Text Search" field will ensure that the title, description, and updates are all searched. For example, if you type in "Zoom," any tickets that include the word Zoom in their title, description, or updates will appear. Once you have input your search terms, click Apply.
Note: After you have applied a filter, you can search the tickets that have appeared using the search bar with the magnifying glass in the upper-right hand corner. However, this search box will only return tickets that match your search term in one of the ticket metadata fields, such as Title or Requester. Using this search box will not search ticket descriptions or updates.