Canvas@Illinois, Getting Started with DesignPLUS

This article includes a list of resources to learn more about DesignPLUS and access training resources.

Getting Started with the New DesignPLUS Sidebar

If you are just getting started with DesignPLUS, we recommend opting in to the New DesignPLUS Sidebar. You can access this upgraded version with an additional keyboard shortcut (see the following Knowledgebase article: Canvas@Illinois, Enable the New DesignPLUS Sidebar). Beginning July 23, 2024, we will default to the New DesignPLUS Sidebar; at that time we will still allow for version switching back to the Legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar (if needed).

We recommend getting started with either the DesignPLUS Training Video Series or the DesignPLUS Summer School for Educators Series. If you'd prefer written guidance, see the New DesignPLUS User Guide.

Video Resources from Cidi Labs

When viewing these videos, you may be prompted to enter your institutional email but this is not required. If you do not want to receive emails from Cidi Labs about DesignPLUS or other products, and you can select the Skip button!

DesignPLUS Resources Mediaspace Channel

The DesignPLUS Resources Mediaspace Channel consolidates many video resources related to the DesignPLUS tools. This channel includes a number of helpful playlists, including training recordings, webinars, and quick tips.

Additional Questions?

If you still have more questions about DesignPLUS and would like a one-on-one consultation, please reach out to Technology Services at to get in touch with the Canvas Support team or the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) at

Legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar Information

Getting Started

If you're just getting started learning about DesignPLUS, we recommend starting with the New DesignPLUS Sidebar. The resources in this expanded section are relevant only for the Legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar and are included here only as a reference.

Please note that you need to use the keyboard shortcut to access the DesignPLUS Sidebar before you can access the tools!

Recorded Training Sessions

You can access all recorded training sessions in the Training Recordings playlist on Illinois Media Space, or access the individual recordings below:

NOTE: Although the Customizations Training is included in the Training Recordings playlist, that training is only relevant if you are managing an extended customizations course for your subaccount. For more information about Extended Customizations, see Canvas@Illinois, Extended Customization with DesignPLUS.

Legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar User Guide

The Legacy DesignPLUS User Guide was developed by Cidi Labs, the company that provides DesignPLUS. This guide contains a lot of helpful documentation and tutorials to get you started!

canvas, designplus, design tools, design tools sidebar 
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University of Illinois Technology Services