Printing with the Bypass Tray

A guide to printing from the bypass trays on large printer such as Optimus, Titan, and Luna.

Bypass Tray Warning

If users need to print on colored paper, cardstock, label paper, or any other paper that isn't standard plain printing paper, users should use the bypass tray on Optimus, Titan, or Luna only. Do not attempt printing with regular printing trays, as this may lead to ink streaks, paper jams, or damage to the printer. You also run the risk of intercepting someone else's printing job and messing up their results.

Printing with Titan

Titan's auto detect settings do not work well when using the bypass tray. Please follow these steps to pre-program the machine to accept your paper type:

  1. Use Titan's Home screen and find the button labeled "Paper Tray Info."
  2. Select "Tray Paper."
  3. Select "Paper Size/Paper Type."
  4. Choose "Bypass Tray" from the five tray options.
  5. If your paper is not of standard size, select "Paper Size: Printer" and choose the correct paper size from the list of options. 
    • This step is not necessary if your paper is of standard size (8.5 x 11 in).
  6. If your paper is not of standard type or thickness, select "Paper Type/Thickness" and choose the correct paper type and thickness from the two lists of options.
    • If you are unsure of the paper's thickness, check the paper's packaging to find its gsm.
    • This step is not necessary if your paper is of standard type (Plain Paper) and thickness (75-81gsm).
  7. Once you have chosen your settings, load your paper in the bypass tray and send your print job.
  8. When the print job is complete, revert all bypass tray settings back to "auto-detect" or "Plain Paper."

Printing with Optimus

Optimus's auto detect settings do not work when using the bypass tray. Please follow these steps to pre-program the machine to accept your paper type:

  1. Place your non-standard paper in the bypass tray.
  2. Optimus's touchscreen will ask what kind of paper is being used in the bypass tray. Input the correct paper size, type, and color on the screen.
  3. Before sending the print job from your computer, make sure that your advanced printing settings match the printer settings you selected on Optimus:
    1. Select to print from the bypass tray (Tray 5) from your printing settings.
    2. Select the correct paper specs from the printing settings. I.e. ensure all printer settings match the specs you selected on Optimus.
  4. Send print job.

KeywordsPrint*, optimus, titan, luna, bypass, by-pass, tray, "how to"   Doc ID129479
OwneriSchool U.GroupSchool of Information Sciences
Created2023-07-05 09:27:46Updated2024-07-10 11:03:14
SitesUniversity of Illinois School of Information Sciences
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