Office 365, Outlook for Windows, Open links with preferred browser

Microsoft's most recent Windows and Office updates added a separate setting for how links are handled. Outlook is set to use Edge even if you have a different default browser set at the OS level. Follow the steps below to change this behavior.
In Outlook for Windows, go to File -> Options
Image of Outlook File menu with Options indicated
In Options, choose "Advanced" and scroll down to "Open hyperlinks from Outlook in"
In the drop-down, change from "Microsoft Edge" to "Default Browser"
Advanced settings with brwoser drop-down indicated.
Click "OK" to close Options.
That's it!

KeywordsEdge, Chrome, Firefox, links, hyperlink, link, "Microsoft Edge", default, settings, behavior   Doc ID129574
OwnerAllison P.GroupUI Gies College of Business
Created2023-07-06 11:59:35Updated2023-07-06 12:03:42
SitesUI Gies College of Business
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