UAFR - Process a FABweb Other Disposal

This article provides an overview of the FABweb unit roles as well as step-by-step instructions to initiate and approve an other disposal request in FABweb.

If equipment has been stolen, traded in, or cannot be located, then there is no physical equipment for University movers to move, so the process consists only of correctly documenting what happened to the equipment. Department head approval is required.

Please review the related policies and procedures:

Other Category of Disposals

There are three designation categories of disposals in FABweb: scrap/surplus, other, and presumed. The other category is used for both inventory and non-inventory equipment items, and consists of the following designations:

  • Casualty Loss: Equipment that is destroyed or irreparably damaged through fire, flood, or accident.
  • Inventoried in Error: Any item that was added to inventory, but does not qualify as equipment, for which a Journal Voucher (JV) has been prepared to correct the Account code. Please provide the JV # in the Comments/Notes field.
  • Returned for Credit: Item has been returned to vendor.
  • Scrapped without UPAR Approval: Item has already been scrapped by the department, without going through the proper disposal process with University Property Accounting and Reporting (UPAR) approval, and a responsible individual within the department has personal knowledge of its unauthorized disposal and can attest to the nature of the disposition.
  • State Surplus: Equipment that is shipped directly to CMS. Prior UPAR approval is required.
  • Stolen: If a piece of equipment is stolen, the department must immediately report the theft to the University Police, providing them with a complete description of the stolen equipment, the Permanent Tag (PTag) number, and the serial number of the stolen equipment. Copies of any supporting documentation from the police record should be sent to UPAR. Document the disposal (SD) number with the police record.
  • Trade-In: Any item that was traded-in on the acquisition of equipment. The Purchase Order number and the Permanent Tag (PTag) of the newly acquired equipment must be provided in the comments section. In addition, you must add the old equipment’s PTag number to the new equipment’s asset record, in the External Cross Ref field.
  • Transferred Out: Equipment that is sent to other agencies. Prior UPAR approval and documentation are required.
  • Transferred with Researcher: Item that has been approved for permanent transfer with researcher. In addition to a FABweb request, a fully executed Request to Permanently Transfer Sponsored Project Equipment with Researcher form must also be completed.

FABweb Unit Roles in the Other Disposal Process

There are two roles involved in an other disposal of equipment. Depending upon the size of your unit, you may work in more than one of these roles.

  • Originating Unit Rep: This person initiates the disposal in FABweb.
  • Originating Unit Approver: This person approves the disposal in FABweb.

Initiate an Other Disposal in FABweb (Unit Rep)

The Originating Unit Rep should follow the steps outlined in this section in order to initiate an other disposal in FABweb.

Prepare to Initiate an Other Disposal in FABweb

The Originating Unit Rep must gather key information about the equipment items being disposed of before working in FABweb. The Originating Unit Rep can use either of these tools to gather the information:

  1. UAFR - Asset Search: The Inventory Details page of the FABweb Asset Search functionality provides all of the necessary information in one convenient location. 
  2. UAFR - Banner Fixed Asset Master Query Page (FFIMAST): The Acquisition Information and Procurement Information sections of FFIMAST provide all of the necessary information.

The Originating Unit Rep will gather this key information:

  • Identify the PTag or OTag of Inventory Equipment: The Originating Unit Rep must have the PTag or OTag number of all inventory equipment items being disposed.
  • Identify the Serial Number and Description of Non-Inventory Equipment: The Originating Unit Rep must have both the serial number and description of all non-inventory equipment items being disposed.
  • Check the Chart and Organization of the Custodial Unit: The Originating Unit Rep must verify that their unit is in custody of the inventory equipment items being disposed. The Originating Unit Rep can only initiate disposal requests for equipment items belonging to their unit. If another unit is in custody of the equipment items, then the Originating Unit Rep must request that unit dispose of the items.
  • Check the Title To Status of Inventory Equipment: The Originating Unit Rep must verify the Title To status of the inventory equipment items being disposed. If the items are titled to Federal or Other, then the Originating Unit Rep must obtain approval for disposal from the appropriate Sponsored Research office: Sponsored Programs Administration (UIUC), Sponsored Programs (UIC), or Office of Research and Sponsored Programs – Post-Award (UIS).
    NOTE: All inventory equipment items included in a single FABweb disposal request transaction MUST have the same Title To status.
  • Check the Family Status of Inventory Equipment: FABweb will not allow a family of items to be split apart in a disposal. If a unit wants to dispose of a parent or a child item separately, then the Originating Unit Rep must contact University Property Accounting and Reporting (UPAR) to request assistance by emailing If a unit wants to dispose of an entire family of items together, then the Originating Unit Rep should follow the steps outlined below. 

Initiate the Disposal

  1. Log into FABweb.
  2. Select the Surplus/Disposal tab.

Select a Designation Category for the Other Disposal Request

  1. Under the Process individual record(s) section, select the “Other Disposal” category from the Designation Category drop-down menu.
  2. Select the Submit button.

Add Inventory Equipment Items to the Other Disposal Request

  1. Under the To add a Banner item section, add the first inventory equipment item by entering either the nine-digit PTag number in the PTag field or the nine-digit OTag number in the OTag field.
  2. Select the Add a Banner Asset button.
    NOTE: The item record will appear at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each additional inventory equipment item with the same Title To status.

Add Non-Inventory Equipment Items to the Other Disposal Request

  1. Under the Add a Non-Banner Asset to this transaction section, add the first non-inventory equipment item by entering both the serial number in the Serial Number field and the description in the Description field. 
  2. Select the Add a Non-Banner Asset button.
    NOTE: The item record will appear at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each additional non-inventory equipment item.

Review the List of Equipment Items Included in the Other Disposal Request

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to view all items included in the disposal request. 
    NOTE: Select the More Info link for any item to review additional information in a pop-up window.
  2. It is possible to remove equipment items from the disposal request in this section, if needed.
    NOTE: When only one item is included in the disposal, you can remove this item by selecting the Cancel Entire Transaction button. When more than one item is included in the disposal, a trashcan icon will display next to each item, and you can select this icon to remove an item if needed.

Designate the Other Disposal Status for Each Equipment Item

  1. Select the appropriate disposal status for each equipment item in the Designate an Other Status drop-down menu.
    1. Casualty Loss: Equipment that is destroyed or irreparably damaged through fire, flood, or accident.
    2. Inventoried in Error: Any item that was added to inventory, but does not qualify as equipment, for which a Journal Voucher (JV) has been prepared to correct the Account code. Please provide the JV # in the Comments/Notes field.
    3. Returned for Credit: Item has been returned to vendor.
    4. Scrapped without UPAR Approval: Item has already been scrapped by the department, without going through the proper disposal process with University Property Accounting and Reporting (UPAR) approval, and a responsible individual within the department has personal knowledge of its unauthorized disposal and can attest to the nature of the disposition
    5. State Surplus: Equipment that is shipped directly to CMS. Prior UPAR approval is required.
    6. Stolen: If a piece of equipment is stolen, the department must immediately report the theft to the University Police, providing them with a complete description of the stolen equipment, the Permanent Tag (PTag) number, and the serial number of the stolen equipment. Copies of any supporting documentation from the police record should be sent to UPAR. Document the disposal (SD) number with the police record.
    7. Trade-In: Any item that was traded-in on the acquisition of equipment. The Purchase Order number and the Permanent Tag (PTag) of the newly acquired equipment must be provided in the comments section. In addition, you must add the old equipment’s PTag number to the new equipment’s asset record, in the External Cross Ref field.
    8. Transferred Out: Equipment that is sent to other agencies. Prior UPAR approval and documentation are required.
    9. Transferred with Researcher: Item that has been approved for permanent transfer with researcher. In addition to a FABweb request, a fully executed Request to Permanently Transfer Sponsored Project Equipment with Researcher form must also be complete.
  2. Scroll to the top of the screen and select the Forward tab.

Review Contact Information and Add Comments

  1. Verify that the Contact Person, Phone, and E-mail fields are accurate.
  2. Enter a comment in the Comments/Notes field with a brief description of the disposal request.
    NOTE: This field has a 100-character maximum.

Save to Excel

  1. Select the Save to Excel button to generate a spreadsheet containing all the disposal request information for your reference.

Forward the Other Disposal Request to the Originating Unit Approver

  1. Select the Submit button to forward the disposal request to the Originating Unit Approver.
    NOTE: FABweb will automatically send a notification email to the Originating Unit Approver.

Check Status of the Other Disposal Request

The Originating Unit Rep should use the FABweb Check Status functionality to confirm that the disposal request that was just created displays and shows the Unit/Role # as "Originating Dept/Approver" and the Status as "Unclaimed" which indicates that the disposal request is in progress, but has not been claimed by the Originating Unit Approver. For more information, please refer to the job aid: UAFR - FABweb Check Status.

View Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on

The Originating Unit Rep can view all transactions which they are working on by looking in the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on queue which is located at the bottom of the FABweb Home tab. Any transaction in this queue can be opened by selecting the Transaction # link. If the Originating Unit Rep logs out of FABweb before submitting or canceling a transaction, then that transaction will be locked to the Originating Unit Rep and no one else will be able to work on it until the Originating Unit Rep submits or cancels it.

Declined Disposal Requests

If the disposal request is declined at any point after the Originating Unit Rep submits it, FABweb will automatically send a notification email to the Originating Unit Rep, and the disposal request record will be added under the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on queue. The Originating Unit Rep can then make changes to the disposal request and re-submit or cancel the disposal request if needed.

Approve an Other Disposal in FABweb (Approver)

The Originating Unit Approver should follow the steps outlined in this section in order to approve or decline a disposal request in FABweb.

Log into FABweb

  1. Log into FABweb.
    NOTE: You may also use the link in the FABweb notification email.
  2. Select the Home tab.

Claim the Disposal Request

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Unclaimed Transfers/Surplus/Disposals queue and select the appropriate Transaction # link to claim it.
    NOTE: The transaction will move to the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals that I am working on queue after you claim it and will be locked so that other FABweb users are not able to work on it.
  2. Select the Transaction # link in the Transfers/Surplus/Disposals I am working on queue in order to edit the transaction.

Review the List of Equipment Items Included in the Disposal Request

  1. Verify the read-only information on the Summary tab.
    NOTE: Select the More Info link for any item to review detailed information in a pop-up window.
  2. Scroll to the top of the screen and select the Forward tab.

Review Contact Information and Add Comments

  1. Verify that the Contact Person, Phone, and E-mail fields are accurate.
  2. Enter a comment in the Comments/Notes field with a brief description of the disposal request.
    NOTE: This field has a 100-character maximum.

Save to Excel

  1. Select the Save to Excel button to generate a spreadsheet containing all the disposal request information for your reference.

Approve or Decline the Disposal Request

  1. Approve or decline the disposal request:
    1. Select the Approve button to approve the disposal request and forward it accordingly.
      NOTE: FABweb will automatically send a notification email to UPAR.
    2. Select the Decline Disposal button to decline the disposal request and return it back to the Originating Unit Rep.
      NOTE: FABweb will automatically send a notification email to the Originating Unit Rep.

KeywordsUPAR, equipment, property, inventory, dispose   Doc ID129613
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2023-07-07 13:25:15Updated2023-08-07 15:35:37
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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