TDX, U of I Main Advisory Group Charter

This is the charter for the U of I Main Advisory Group, the governing group for the TDX shared U of I Main ticketing Application.

U of I Main Advisory Group Charter


This charter establishes the TeamDynamix U of I Main Advisory Group as a permanent governance group for the shared TDX U of I Main Application with reporting obligations to the TDX at Illinois Service Team and when necessary, the Collaborative Board and the Global Admin Committee. The Advisory Group is responsible for providing a forum to discuss the strategy and tactics for utilization of the U of I Main Application and fulfilling a shared service ownership role. The purpose of the Advisory Group is to provide a coordinated approach to: 

  • Elevate, discuss, document, and prioritize service issues 

  • Elevate, discuss, document, and prioritize requests for third-party integrations 

  • Administer the TDX U of I Main Application 

  • Review all requests for U of I Main App Admin roles and access 

  • Review all requests for U of I Main App API access 


For the TDX U of I Main Application, the U of I Main Advisory Group is an advisory and administrative coordination group. The Advisory Group serves as a focal point to review service issues and ensures that proposed solutions are reviewed and functionally vetted. It provides guidance to other IT and university organizations within the U of I Main Application. 

The Advisory Group may charter subject-matter working groups to examine challenges and opportunities and develop solution recommendations to improve IT and enterprise service management. The recommendations of these working groups will be discussed by the Advisory Group for acceptance, revision, and final review. 


  • Represent core stakeholder groups in the discussion and review of U of I Main issues, enhancements, third-party integrations, or global changes. 

  • Develop strategies and review proposed timelines for the implementation of changes 

  • Provides required client sign-off for U of I Main changes 

  • Communicate discussions and decisions to representative areas 

  • Serve as a CAB (change advisory board) to review and approve requests for U of I Main changes, in collaboration with the respective universities’ change processes. 

  • Collaboratively develop strategic recommendations and feedback on how the TDX platform can be leveraged to meet the university systems or individual university’s ticketing goals. 

  • Within the scope of the TDX U of I Main Application, identify and make recommendations with respect to opportunities to partner on the delivery of university system-wide service management best practices to advance university operational excellence 

  • Seek feedback and actively participate in discussions about risk and opportunities for the service 


The Advisory Group will: 

  • Provide timely information on time-sensitive and/or high-impact changes to TDX at Illinois Service Team. 

  • Enforce, review, and create policies 

  • Manage ticketing decisions at the App Admin level 

  • Provide standardization, policy, and guidance for the following: 

  • Naming conventions 

  • Statuses 

  • Look and feel 

  • Templates  

  • Forms 

  • Attributes 

  • Etcetera 


The Advisory Group will meet at least monthly on a perpetual basis at a time determined by the membership. 

  • Meetings will be held by conference telephone or similar telecommunication media. 

  • Actions can be taken without meetings and by coordination via email or Microsoft Teams. 

  • Participation in leadership meetings may be required for resolution of some issues. 


The Advisory Group will consist of a balanced representation of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and University of Illinois System. Membership is at minimum one year, to be evaluated annually. Ex-officio members are temporary and are reviewed for approval by the Advisory Group. Examples would be reps from the UIUC Tech Services Cybersecurity and Privacy divisions. 

University of Illinois Tech Services 

1 Product/Service Owner rep – Chair 

2 Global Admin reps 

2 Help Center reps 

University of Illinois System Service Desk 

2 Global Admin reps 

2 Service Desk reps 

Member Responsibilities 

To remain in good standing, all U of I Main Advisory Group participants must:  

  • Attend at least three-quarters of all team meetings 

  • Actively participate in meetings and contribute to the goals of the Team, as appropriate. Participation includes, but not limited to reading materials provided in advance and preparing as appropriate for meetings; proposing agenda topics; engaging in discussions during meetings; developing recommendations, reports, and other deliverables as needed; engaging in follow-up activities, if any, following meetings; and responding to requests for information, note-taking and feedback 

  • Representatives from other groups (e.g. TDAG, Collaborative Board, Global Admin Committee, etc.) are responsible for facilitating communication/updates between Advisory Group and those memberships. 

In addition, the Advisory Group Chair:

  • Will be the TDX at Illinois Service Owner / Product Owner 

  • Coordinate meeting agendas 

  • Facilitate the regular meetings of the group in a collaborative manner 

  • Ensure appropriate records of meetings are created and maintained 

  • Coordinate scheduling with other groups and stakeholders 

  • Facilitate Advisory Group membership changes 

  • Communicate relevant and impactful information and changes to the U of I Main Application in the TDX at Illinois Application Changelog

Review Process 

This document is to be reviewed on an annual basis by the current members of the Advisory Group. 

Charter Review and Status

Reviewed and approved on 9.13.2023 

See Also:

TDX, U of I Main Application Administrator Expectations

KeywordsTDX, TeamDynamix, U of I Main, Advisory Group, shared ticketing Application, uiuc, Team Dynamics, TDX at Illinois   Doc ID131817
OwnerJoe B.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2023-10-02 10:32:44Updated2024-07-01 12:42:49
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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