Internal Controls - Prohibited Role Combinations Report

The Prohibited Role Combination Report displays a list of all university employees who currently hold a combination of system roles that is prohibited by policy 9.1.2. This report is an important tool for business managers and other business staff to understand the separation of duties risks that currently exist in their unit or college.

To use the report, follow the directions below.

  1. Go to and select Prohibited Roles Combination Report link in the left navigation pane.
  2. Filter the report by selecting options in the Home Chart, Home College, and Home Org dropdowns.
    1. For Home Chart, select the dropdown and uncheck the (All) options.
    2. Select your Home Chart number.
    3. For Home College, select the dropdown and uncheck the (All) options.
      NOTE: The Home College dropdown will show values for all four charts, thus it is important to ensure you select the correct college by using the two-letter college code.
    4. For Home Org, select the dropdown and uncheck the (All) options.
    5. Select the appropriate three-digit Home Org code.
      NOTE: The Home Org dropdown will show values for all four charts, and the same three-digit org code value may exist in multiple orgs. If you select your Home Org and no data is displayed in the report, that means that there are no employees with prohibited role combination in your org.
  3. The report will now display a list of employees who currently hold prohibited role combinations in the selected Home College and/or Home Org.
  4. To download an extract of the report, select the Download button at the bottom right of the report.
  5. Select the Data option from the download dropdown.
    NOTE: If you do not see the Data option after clicking the download button, click into the main body of the report and then click the download button again.
  6. In the resulting popup window, click the Download button at the top right.

KeywordsICE separation of duties   Doc ID132488
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2023-11-02 08:40:37Updated2024-09-30 10:18:25
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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