Technology Services Reporting Line Change Requests
The below checklist is intended to assist Technology Services supervisors when needing to update reporting lines for their staff. Prior to requesting the below, please make sure the appropriate approvals have been obtained. If needed, please consult with your supervisor regarding the request to obtain unit approval. Next, please email Technology Services Human Resources at with the intended request to determine what, if any, other impacts there may be. Once those conversations and approvals have occurred, please complete the below tasks.
Please use the below checklist when requesting staff reporting line changes at Technology Services:
☐ Email Technology Services Human Resources at to initiate the following requests:
- Update to the Technology Services Organizational Chart
- HRN/Performance Pro Update
- Vacation Sick Leave (VSL) Portal Updates on
☐ Email to initiate the following requests:
- Update Purchasing Approval(s) on
- Update to Monthly Financial Review/Personnel Funding & Accounts
☐ Email to initiate the following request:
- Update TDX: Time & Expenses Approval
☐ Email to initiate the following request:
- Active Directory (AD) Group Changes