Canvas@Illinois, Export Midterm and Final Grades

This article explains how to export midterm and final grades from Canvas to be imported into Banner

There is not a tool that can directly move midterm and final grades directly from Canvas to Banner. Following these steps will help minimize the number of steps you need to take to export your Canvas grades for importing into Banner. 

  1. Before exporting, please assure that your Canvas gradebook is finalized and accurately calculating final scores by following the instructions in the Canvas@Illinois , Finalize Grades article. If this step is not followed, it is likely you will export inaccurate grades. It is also important to enable a grading scheme before exporting so that you are exporting a letter grade. You do not have to use the default grading scheme and can create a scheme that follows your syllabus.
  2. From your course space on Canvas, click the Grades link from the left menu.
    a screen shot of the grades link
  3. On the Grades page, click on the Export drop-down menu on the upper left of the page. Select "Export Entire Gradebook".
    screen shot of drop-down menu with "export entire gradebook" circled
  4. Open this file in a spreadsheet program. 
  5. Delete the "Points Possible" row.
  6. If your course has multiple sections, sort this column and create separate files for upload after completing steps 7-9. You will need to perform a separate import for each section.
  7. You can delete all columns except the Integration ID column and the Final Grade column.
  8. Change the Integration ID column heading to NetID.
  9. If you are assigning any F or ABS grades, add a column for Last Attend Date and Hours Attended. You will need to provide this information only for students receiving a score of F or ABS.
  10. Follow the instructions for entering final grades provided by the Registrar. Look for the importing tool in the Tools drop-down. Correct any errors reported.

canvas, banner, final grades, import, export 
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Lindsey S. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services