iBuy - McKesson Corporation @00727722 Non-Catalog Item Ordering (McKesson Requestor Only)

This article provides step-by-step instructions to complete a Non-Catalog Item for supplier McKesson. This process applies to McKesson @00727722 only. The non-catalog item form should be used in place of the Standing Order. This allows McKesson to appropriately invoice back to the university.

To use the non-catalog item form, you must have the role of McKesson Requestor.

Steps to Complete the Non-Catalog Item

  1. To create an order to McKesson @00727722 from the iBuy homepage, Welcome to iBuy – Shop At The Top, select the bottom ellipsis (…).
  2. From the drop-down options select Non-Catalog Item.
  3. In the Existing Supplier field type @00727722. Select McKesson Corporation that appears underneath the suppler box.
  4. Choose the Business Purchase (BP) address using the corresponding radio buttons.
    NOTE: By default, the preferred Business Purchase (BP26) address will be selected; please use this address unless otherwise instructed.
  5. Next enter the Item details of your order. All fields are required.
    1. Production Description
      NOTE: If you do not have a product description use "Drugs and Pharmaceuticals".
    2. Catalog No.
      NOTE: If you do not have a catalog number use SPO.
    3. Quantity
      NOTE: Quantity for each line should be 1.
    4. Price Estimate
      NOTE: Should be the full encumbrance amount of the PO.
    5. Packaging
      NOTE: Select from the unit of measure drop-down options. EA – Each is selected by default.
  6. Add a Commodity Code. Select the search icon.
    1. If you know the commodity code number enter the number in the Code starts with…field and select filter or enter on your keyboard.
    2. If you want to see more than one option enter a key word in the Description contains…field, e.g., Pharmaceuticals and select filter or enter on your keyboard.
    3. From the list of options select the code that best fits your order by selecting the plus sign (+).
  7. Select Save if you have only one line item on the order.
  8. Select Save And Add Another if you have more than one line item on the order. Repeat steps 5 through 8 for all additional items on your order.
  9. This takes you back to the iBuy homepage. From the top right-hand corner, you will see that sub-total and the grocery cart. Select this and then select the View My Cart button to move forward in the ordering process.
  10. In the Shopping Cart section, review the cart and make any necessary changes and then select Proceed to Checkout.
  11. If you are creating an order for goods/services provided in a future fiscal year, please enter a 7/1/YYYY date in the Accounting Date field.
    1. For example, use the accounting date of 7/1/2024 (FY25) if you are creating a Purchase Order in calendar year 2024 which will be invoiced against in FY25. If the Accounting Date is not included, you may be asked to cancel your PO and start over.
  12. Enter information or add attachments in the Internal Notes and Attachments section, if needed. To make edits in this section, select Edit (pencil icon) next to the section heading.
  13. Enter information or add attachments in the External Notes and Attachments section. This information is sent to McKesson. To make edits in this section, select Edit (pencil icon) next to the section heading.
    • Include the assigned account number from McKesson. This may able be referred to as the McKesson customer number.
    • Include the start and end dates for the PO being created.
    • If this is a Cancel and Replace Purchase Order, then provide the number of the PO being canceled. Suggested verbiage is the PO replaces PO number PXXXXXX.
  14. Enter information in the FOB Code (Freight on Board) field.
    1. To update this field, select Edit (pencil icon) next to the Shipping heading.
    2. For additional details on what FOB Code to use and catalog vendor details, refer to the FOB Code Information document
      1. Freight/shipping charges should not be invoiced by the supplier FOB 31.
        NOTE: You are not expecting the vendor to charge shipping. The invoice should not have a shipping fee, and if shipping is on the invoice, then Payables should reach out to you.
      2. Freight/shipping charges are to be invoiced by the supplier and allowed for FOB 30.
        NOTE: You are expecting the vendor to charge shipping. You may not know the exact amount, but you are willing to accept and pay whatever shipping rate is sent by the vendor on the invoice.
      3. Special shipping instructions on FOB 21 (include external notes and applicable documentation and PO clauses).
        1. Note that FOB 30 and FOB 31 are the primary selections for shipping.
        2. FOB 21 should be used to accommodate for departmental FEDEx or UPS Shipping accounts.
        3. Any supporting notes and applicable documentation should be attached to the requisition in PDF format in the External Notes and Attachments section of the requisition for Purchasing review and to accompany the PO sent to the vendor.
      4. Select Save.
  15. Refer to the next sections for how to edit your order, update your ship to address, add an accounting string, and add attachments, prior to submitting the order.
  16. Select Place Order.

business purchase 
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AITS iBuy Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources