UAFR - Unit Contact Certificate Course

In this course, you will learn what equipment is and how to manage it. This course will introduce you to the equipment management lifecycle. It has been designed to provide you with the knowledge and resources required to fulfill your duties as a Unit Contact.

In this course, you will learn what equipment is and how to manage it. This course will introduce you to the equipment management lifecycle. It has been designed to provide you with the knowledge and resources required to fulfill your duties as a Biennial Inventory Unit Contact.

Completion of the Unit Contact Certificate course is required before assigning new Biennial Inventory Unit Contact roles through your USC. The Security Application will automatically check for training completion and will not allow a request to be submitted if the course has not been completed. Completion of Introduction to Banner and Finance I is recommended prior to taking the Unit Contact Certificate course. While not required, this suggested prerequisite will help prepare Unit Contacts for the breadth of their responsibilities.

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Learning Systems Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources