UAFR - Upload Journal Voucher Transactions
- Log in to Finance Feeder Front-End.
- Click the Upload/JV link.
- Click the Browse button.
- Locate and select the file you want to upload from the File Upload dialog box.
The file name must follow this format; the interface will not process files that fail to meet this naming standard:
- "fi_gl_transactions.ssssssss.yyyymmddhhmmss.ext" (note the two underscore characters)
- ssssssss is the OBFS assigned System ID
- yyyymmdd is the submission date
- hhmmsss is the submission time (24 hour military time with seconds)
- .ext is the file type (.txt, .csv and .xls/.xlsx accepted)
- Entire file name must be unique and in lower case letters
- All periods (.) are required
NOTE: If using an Excel or comma-delimited (.csv) file, populate the Enter Transaction Date, Banner Doc Code (optional), and FOATEXT fields in the Additional File Parameters section.
- Click the Upload File to Banner button.