UPB - Viewing and Editing an Account Distribution in Web Time Entry
The previous version of Web Time Entry displayed the Default Account Distribution in the timesheet preview. This defaulted from the employee’s job record, but the Approver could edit the Account Distribution before approving the timesheet. In version 9x of Web Time Entry, the Default Account Distribution is not automatically displayed in the timesheet preview though it can still be modified before the timesheet is approved. The instructions below describe how the Approver can view and edit the Account Distribution (C-FOAPAL).
View the Account Distribution
Before approving a timesheet, a supervisor should review the account distribution, especially when grant or sponsored funds are involved.
- Log in to the Employee Dashboard.
- Select Approve Time.
Open the Timesheet.
- Select the Pending timesheet to review from the Time Entry Approvals.
- Select Details in the Timesheet Detail Summary.
Open the Account Distribution.
- Select a day with hours and earnings recorded.
- Select Account Distribution in the right corner of the earn code section to display the C-FOAPAL information for the earn code and hours you wish to review or edit.
NOTE:The C-FOAPAL defaults from the Labor Distribution information in the job record.
Edit the Account Distribution
Editing the Account Distribution should always be done after all edits to the timesheet hours have been completed. If the timesheet hours are changed after the Account Distribution is updated, you may receive an error message -- "Account or Labor Distribution hours exceed daily hours entered:" and the timesheet cannot be approved until it is corrected.
- Select Add in the Account Distribution window.
- Enter the values for the new C-FOAPAL string in the appropriate Account Distribution fields.
NOTE: Chart of Accounts (COA) cannot be altered. Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required. - Enter in the number of hours that should be charged to the modified C-FOAPAL in the Hours field.
NOTE: The Available hours for the earn code on the selected day appear in the upper left of the Account Distribution window. - Select Save.
NOTE: If you modify a portion of the labor charges for the Available hours for that earn code and day, the remaining hours will automatically be charged to the C-FOAPAL that defaulted from the job record. You may also add multiple C-FOAPALs (steps 8-11) as long as the total hours redistributed do not exceed the total hours for the earn code on that day. - Repeat steps 5 through 10 for edits needed for the Account Distribution for other earn code hours in the pay period.
- Select Preview when all edits have been completed. The Timesheet Detail Summary displays the updated C-FOAPAL information for the corresponding days and earnings.
- Select Approve.