Box, Open Office documents in Office Online

Follow this guide to use the "Box for Office for web" app to open Office 365 (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) files in Office Online from the Box web interface

Install the "Box for Office for web" app

Open a web browser and sign in to

Click on the "Apps" shortcut on the left-hand menu and search for "Box for Office for web." Alternatively, visit this link to view the "Box for Office for web" app.

Once the app page is open, if the blue button says "Remove," you already have it!

See an example


Click the "Add" button and confirm your choice when prompted

Open Office documents from Box

Once the app has been installed, open any Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), or PowerPoint (.pptx) file in Box

In the toolbar, select "Open"

Choose "Open in Word/Excel/PowerPoint Online"

Make your changes to the document; they will automatically save

Close the Office Online tab when your changes are complete

The Box preview will detect the changes and prompt you to refresh the page

That's it!

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, "Word Online", "Excel Online," "PowerPoint Online", app, "box web", "box online", VITA 
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Owned by:
Allison P. in UI Gies College of Business
UI Gies College of Business