UPAY - Banner Document Management (BDM) Basics
Contact University Payables Customer Service at (217) 333-6583, (888) 872-9953, or obfsupay@uillinois.edu for help.
Access BDM Through Document Manager (Xtender)
- Navigate to https://apps.uillinois.edu.
- Under Applications by Category, select Banner > Document Manager (Xtender) - Financial.
- Log in with your NetID and password.
- Select the UI-F-INV application.
Access BDM Through Banner
- On the FOIDOCH Banner page, select the document type (such as Invoice or Purchase Order) you want to view.
- Select Retrieve Documents.
NOTE: Results will appear in BDM in a separate browser tab. - Follow the listed instructions to view the document index information and then exit the document window.
Search for Documents Using BDM Fields
BDM contains 28 indexing fields.
Each field has specific information regarding a BDM image, which could be an invoice, credit memo, wire transfer, or other U of I System document.
Multiple indexing fields can be utilized in the same query to narrow the query results.
Below are the most commonly used query fields:
Banner Invoice Number: Each financial document that is received by the system is assigned a Banner number. It starts with the capital letter “I” and is proceeded by seven numbers (e.g. I7339301). It is also known as the “I number.”
- Select New Query.
- In the Search Value field, enter the “I number."
- Press ENTER or select RUN.
NOTE: The document will appear in a new screen. If the document is two or more pages, select the Show/Hide Thumbnail icon on the left of the toolbar to hide or view page thumbnails. You can also use the page selector arrows found in the upper left. On the right side of the screen, all of the indexing fields that are associated with the document will be available for review. - Select Query Results to return to the original query or select UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Vendor Identification Number: Vendors who do business with the U of I System are assigned a vendor identification number. This number starts with the @ sign, followed by eight numbers (e.g. @14680138).
- Select New Query.
- In the Search Value field, enter the vendor’s ID number.
- Press ENTER or select RUN.
NOTE: Query results will include every document assigned to that vendor’s ID number. Fifty documents appear by default; however, you can choose how many items to view per page using the Items per page dropdown menu in the lower right. Select the Next Page arrow to view more query results. - Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Vendor Last Name: You can search using the vendor’s last name. For example, “Smith” or “Smithsonian Institution.”
- Entering a common name, such as “Smith,” may result in thousands of results.
- If the vendor's last name is known, such as “Smithsonian Institution,” enter it into the Search Value field and hit Enter or select Run.
- If only part of the vendor’s last name is known, enter it into the Search Value field followed by an asterisk (*); e.g., Smithsonian*. The query results will contain any vendor with that word in its name.
- If the vendor name is unknown, search by vendor ID instead.
- Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Vendor Invoice Number: Vendors should assign a unique, previously unused invoice number, credit memo number, etc., to their document(s) when submitting them to the system.
- In the Search Value field, enter the vendor’s invoice number (or credit memo number).
- Press ENTER or select RUN.
NOTE: Query results will include every vendor that has assigned that exact invoice number to their document(s). If the exact invoice number is unknown, use the asterisk (*) to aid in your search. For example, searching with 6597* will result in any invoices beginning with 6597. Searching with *6597* will result in all invoices which begin with, include, and end with 6597. Searching with *6597 will result in any invoices ending with 6597. - Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Vendor Invoice Date: Vendors should have a date on their financial document(s) submitted to the system. The date is displayed in this format: DD-MM-YYYY (e.g., 01-JAN-2018 or 15-APR-1999).
- In the Search Value field, enter the vendor’s invoice date (or credit memo date).
- Press ENTER or select RUN.
NOTE: Query results will include every vendor that has assigned that exact date to their documents. Because the query results could number in the thousands, this field is most effective when used in conjunction with other field(s). The query results can be narrowed by using the Search Range icon to the right of the Search Value field. - Select the Search Range icon.
- In the Range Search window, select a type of comparison.
NOTE: There are eight search choices in a menu: Between, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal, Less Than, Less Than or Equal, Not Equal To, Within, and Older Than. - In the Value and/or And fields, enter the invoice dates you would like to search.
- Select OK.
- Select RUN or press ENTER in the Invoice Date field when you have returned to the New Search window with your search criteria.
- Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Vendor Invoice Amount: This field contains the total amount of any invoice, credit memo, etc. If it is a credit memo, the amount will be a negative number in this format: "-43.29."
- In the Search Value field, enter the total amount due on the vendor’s invoice (e.g., 123.45).
NOTE: Dollar signs ($) are not necessary. If you are searching for a credit memo, use the negative sign (-) before the amount (e.g., -123.45). - Press ENTER or select RUN.
NOTE: Because the query results could number in the thousands, this field is most effective when used in conjunction with other field(s). - Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Attachment Type
Attachment Type: In this drop-down menu, there are six choices: {Null}, Credit Memo, Invoice, Other, Wire Transfer – Foreign, and Wire Transfer – US. The attachment types “Credit Memo” and “Invoice” are the most frequently used types for payments.
This field is most effective when used in conjunction with another field(s). For example, if you are searching for a $50 credit memo, then follow these steps:
- In the Attachment Type field, select Credit Memo.
- In the Vendor Invoice Amount field, enter -50.00.
- In the Vendor ID field, enter the vendor ID number.
- Press ENTER or select RUN.
NOTE: Query results will appear in a new window. - Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Purchase Order: This field contains the purchase order (PO) number for each document. The PO number starts with the capital letter “P” followed by seven numbers (e.g., P1470222, P1684068.)
- In the Search Value field, enter the PO number.
- Press ENTER or select RUN.
NOTE: Query results will appear in a new window. - Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Status: In this drop-down menu, there are ten choices to describe the current status of the document: {Null}, Canceled, Complete, Hold, Noncnform, Open, Pending, Ready, Reject, and Trashbin. This status should coincide with or be similar to the document’s status in Banner.
This field is most effective when used in conjunction with another field(s). For example, if you are searching for an invoice on hold assigned to a particular purchase order (PO), then follow these steps:
- In the Banner PO/Enc Nbr field, enter the purchase order (PO) number.
- In the Attachment Type field, select Invoice.
- In the Status field, select Hold.
- Press ENTER or select RUN.
NOTE: Query results will appear in a new window. - Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Buyer Name
Buyer Name: If the purchase order was created by a university Purchasing Office, then the name listed in this field will be the name of the Purchasing Office employee. If the purchase order was created through iBuy, then the name listed in this field will be “E-Procurement Buyer.”
Requestor Name and Email
Requestor Name: The name of the department contact for the purchase order is listed in this field.
Requestor Email: The department contact's email address is listed in this field.
This field can contain a variety of information related to a financial document in BDM. For example, if an invoice or credit memo currently has a “Hold” status, then a hold code will be entered into this field. This code could start with “D-“, “P-“, or “U-“. If a document had to be re-indexed, then the former "I number" should be listed in this field. This field could also contain any notes regarding the document.
- In the Search Value field, enter the former "I number" followed by an asterisk (*).
NOTE: Query results will appear in a new window. - Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Similar to UREF1, this field can contain a variety of information related to a financial document in BDM, such as a document’s former or current purchase order (PO) number or a document’s former "I number" or any notes regarding the document.
- In the Search Value field, enter the PO number followed by an asterisk (*).
NOTE: Query results will appear in a new window. - Select New Search or UI-F-INV to start a new query.
Similar to UREF1 and UREF2, this field can contain a variety of information related to a financial document in BDM, such as the vendor’s name, an accrual or deferral code, or any notes regarding the document. This field is not used very often for search purposes.
Final Tip: Query results in BDM are sorted by the BDM field with the arrow (^) beside the field name. Query results can be resorted simply by selecting a different BDM field. Then, the arrow will appear beside that field, and the field information will be in bold.
Query results can be ordered within that selected field by clicking on the field name to change the arrow. If the arrow is pointing up, the query results are ordered alphabetically, from oldest to newest, or from least to greatest. If the arrow is pointing down, the query results are ordered in reverse alphabetical order, from newest to oldest, or greatest to least.
Add a BDM Image Note
Once you have located the document you need, follow these steps to notate facts or information on the image.
- In the Annotation toolbar, select the Text (T) icon.
NOTE: The cursor changes to a plus sign (+). - Select anywhere on the BDM image.
- In the Add Text Annotation window, enter your note.
NOTE: You can also customize the note by size, color, etc. - Select OK.
NOTE: Text will appear on the invoice image. Choose the Select arrow in the Annotation toolbar to select and drag the note anywhere on the BDM image. - In the Actions toolbar, select the Save Changes icon.
Edit the BDM Image Note
- In the Annotation toolbar, select the Select arrow.
- Right-click the note in the image.
- Select Properties from the menu.
- In the Edit Annotation Text window, edit the existing note.
- Select the OK button.
- In the Actions toolbar, select the Save Changes icon.
Identify the Author of a BDM Image Note
- In the Annotation toolbar, select the Select arrow.
- Right-click the note in the image.
- Select Properties from the menu.
NOTE: The “Created:” line gives the date, time, and name of the user who authored the note. The “Modified:” line gives similar information, based on any modifications which were made after the Created date.
Delete a BDM Image Note
- In the Annotation toolbar, select the Select arrow.
- Right-click the text note you want to erase.
- Select Delete from the menu.
- In the Actions toolbar, select the Save Changes icon.
Print a BDM Image
- Select Print in the upper right corner or choose Document > Print Document.
NOTE: You can print All Pages, Current Page, or a page range. - If you do not want text notes, highlights, etc., on the printed document, then select the Hide Annotations checkbox.
- Select Print.
NOTE: A new tab will open with the document image. - Select the Print icon.
- When printing is complete, close the tab.
Email a BDM Image
- Select Email in the upper right corner or choose Document > Email Document.
NOTE: You may be asked to register your email address using a registration code emailed to you. - In the Mail Document window, enter the recipient’s email address in the To field.
- In the Subject line, enter a subject.
- Select Attach Entire Document or select Page Range to email a range of pages.
NOTE: The emailed invoice will be in a TIF or PDF format. If Send Attachments as Hyperlinks is selected, the recipient will receive a link to the BDM image. If Hide Annotations is selected, the recipient will not be able to see any text notes. - Complete the body of the email.
- Select SEND.
NOTE: The Email Status window will appear. Do not close this window until the message “Email has been sent successfully” appears. - Select the Close button.