Illinois Campus Cluster - Using the "account" designation in SLURM job script creation

Beginning in May 2024, when submitting a job to any campus cluster queue an "account" designation is required in the sbatch job scheduling script. This article describes your options for this field when submitting jobs to the "aces" queue.

When submitting a job to the aces queue please use the account designation: account=icc-grp-aces

In the sbatch script it would look like this example:

--time=00:30:00 --nodes=2 --ntasks=32

If your lab has invested in nodes that are used only for your group's research you will have a separate account designation that you can also use.  If you don't know this account designation please email and it will be provided to you.  For the most part using the "icc-grp-aces" designation will work.

For a more complete description of using the SLURM scheduler with an sbatch script see the Illinois Campus Cluster User Guide article: Running Jobs

hpc, scheduler, SLURM, 'script account', 'campus cluster','research computing',iccp 
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James K. in Answers @ ACES
University of Illinois - College of ACES