Expense and Travel Approval App - Quick Start

Basic information for users wishing to submit a Expense or Travel Request using the FormBuilder Expense and Travel Request App. For approvers, see separate article for approvers. This app replaces the K2 Travel App effective 6/26/2024.

Access the Form

  1. Intranet: 1. https://vetmed.illinois.edu/intranet/ > Frequently Used Links! > Expense and Travel Approval
  2. Intranet: https://vetmed.illinois.edu/intranet/ > Forms > Travel & Reinbursement Forms > Expense and Travel Approval
  3. Directly via ShortURL:  https://go.vetmed.illinois.edu/ExpenseTravelApproval 

Start a New Request

Note:  This should be completed and approved prior to the trip.

  1. Access the app (see above)
  2. Click "Fill Out a New Form"
  3. For Travel Requests, select Business Travel Expenses
  4. Save
  5. Complete the rest of the form and Submit

Figure 1:  App Home Page

Expense and Travel App home page

Completing and Submitting the Request

The form has five pages.  The form will save progress as you complete each page and alert you of incomplete fields (see example below).  Depending on a selections, additional required fields may appear.  Once completed, the fifth tab can be used to add additional information for approvers (optional).  You also need to click Ready to Submit (this is to prevent accidental submission using the Enter key).  Once submitted you will be emailed a to the form that you can use to monitor approval progress or review what you entered.

Figure 2:  Error Message for Incomplete or Invalid Info

Invalid Fields error example

Approved vs Returned for Rework

If your request is approved you will receive an email confirmation and it will show up as Complete on your Form Views.  

Your supervisor, department head or other workflow approvers (grants, finance, Dean) may return your request for rework, such as additional information, or deny the request. You will receive an email indicating rework is required along with comments from whomever returned it.  If you do not which to resubmit, you will have the option to cancel.  Requests can be recalled/cancelled by the requester at any phase.

Check Status / Review Requests

Method 1:

    1. Use the email link to open the form.  The status will be at the top of the screen.  See Figure 3.
      1. The current step is in Bold and shows where it sits in the overall workflow (example shown:  Grants)
      2. It also includes basic information about the request; when submitted and travel start date for example.
      3. Awaiting Approval show the individuals or group that currently needs to approve this step.  
        1. If you need to speed things up, bug the people in the Awaiting Approval From line!

          Figure 3:  Form Routing Status

          Example of Routing Status screen

Method 2:

    1. Go to the app home page https://go.vetmed.illinois.edu/ExpenseTravelApproval 
    2. Under Form Views, select My Requests - In-Progress
    3. This view will show the current Phase.  Click on Link to Form to see details.

Additional Help:

  • For technical support contact IT@vetmed.illinois.edu.
  • For questions about travel policies or to suggest changes to the form, contact BSC@vetmed.illinois.edu.

  • Search "Expense" or "Travel" in the KB for additional knowledgebase articles on Expense and Travel Approvals.

Keywordstravel request, form, quick, expense and travel   Doc ID138100
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2024-06-26 09:26:14Updated2024-06-26 09:56:18
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
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